Nice trailer. What's the Deere? Gonna guess smaller 30 or 40 series, maybe 2630?
1971 1520 46 horse, reliable, does what we need, Id like something larger in the future, around 60 horse, but its really not necessary. It needs a motor rebuild in the next couple years, its starting to lose power, and the brush hog requires 40 horse.
The trailer is a 2002 Cam Superline 10K pound equipment hauler that we built the sides for.
Heres a better pic of the tractor pushing a burn pile, and a pic of the trailer with almost finished paint (had just installed the winch mount in the first pic, Ive also since put on red/white reflectors down the side). When we do the motor rebuild on the tractor, Im going to bring it down to our shop and tear it down and paint it.
Its about 80% Ash, and the rest is a mix of maple and yellow birch.
I actually got a complaint about a month after I delivered that. The guy's buddies had filled him all full of crap that it was all "soft, fast burning crap" and he accused me of being a "slick hick"
After I explained to him that there wasnt a single piece of softwood on the load, and that YELLOW birch is just as hard as rock maple, he apologized, called me a "hard working, honest man" and that was it. I dont blame him for not knowing about wood, and listening to his 'expert' friends, but I was offended by the way he went about it.