Tree Freak
Sorry my camera man was not very good, and to boot he is part of the Kodak familey LOL. Now watch it pull the sled plum off the ground then he hit he brakes.
Two feet of Mud??? Sure why not! Oh and I did get invited back to the mud bog to pull stuck vehicles out next year! Yeah free bogging
---way cool! Cool vids man! Mud truck, with nads! Two feet deep, we got that covered! hehehehe
That's why I want one..but then I'd have to fix all the ruts all over...hmmm..decisions decisions..hmmm..I still want one! hahahaha
not one of them, but I have a real life mud truck story. Not mine, what saved my @$$ets...
Out hog hunting mid georgia in my 2wd shortbed little silverado I had one time. Was hunting in a wildlife management area. Now I *know* this ain't no mud truck, so I am being careful,but the roads are not familiar to me (jeep roads). Go over the crest of this hill, the surface was hard but underneath was pure hip deep mud! Broke through, slid to the bottom of the hill and oozed deep into the swamp. I slid down that hill like sledding on snow..just a little slower..gooosh! gurgle gurgle gurgle..slimed. Climb out the window deep, that nasty. Wading in mud, with a handy creek right there..just lovely...just about exactly hip deep on me there...
This is the mother of all "stucks" I have ever seen or been in, with a regular truck or car. I goofed around a little with all my ropes and tow straps and a comealong trying to get branches under the wheels, etc..man, that was a waste of time, gave up quick. So I am like miles from anyplace. Pre cellphone days for me..
I pack up my gear, took the barrel off my 12 bore, packed that as well, all goes into a pack. I like hung a t shirt over the barrel and tucked it in. I hikes out. I am totally slimed with mud, head to foot by now. Finally get close to the entrance and someone gives me a ride to the ranger station, I get there, tell them my predicament and approx where I am stuck. MUCH laughing and "good lucks" all around.
Great...mumble. Back out to the road, hitch to nearest town,(I am riding in the backs of pickups only to do this) get a greydog bus ride home (today arrested for homerland security violations proly packing all that stuff and looking weird...). Get GF to drive me back in that area the next day and NO ONE could get down there and pull me out. I tried every tow service I could find locally. They didn't even want to bother to go look.
Go home. Go back the next day, this is day 3 now, finally get some local bubbas with their 4wds to come out. We get THREE trucks chained together on the top of the hill, get enough combo big ropes, straps, chains, cables, down to my truck and ..nada. 12 wheels on some decent rigs just spinning.
Go home. freaking out now, thinking I may have to dissemble the thing, hire a helicopter, something.... drive back down again, start looking for big pieces of equipment, I am gonna try to hire someone with something can get down there. No luck, even guys with crawlers don't want to do it. I mean, I am offering good cash money for this, too. Driving by a chevy garage, something told me to swing in and poke around. Go to the back,l see the mechanics, say "hey, anyone around here got a BIG &^%$%^ MUD truck, might want to make some cash"?? They all look at each other, "ya, guy used to work here, got the dang biggest mud truck you ever seen".
Sose I get directions and find this garage (he is independent now, mostly builds custom vettes and so on) and there sits Grandfather of Bigfoot! Except it was a chevy... I mean a dang whopper, need a ladder to get in the thing. I am not kidding. Guy says he built if for swamp coon hunting, and just because he could. He said he gets away with driving it on the road local because the cops know they can ask him for favors once in awhile..otherwise, definitely not "street legal".
I 'splain what is up, he goes like "let's go"!! He's all enthused....we get there, he looks down "piece of cake". He drives down like he's on the highway, chains me up, and this big freekin NOISE happens and he ACCELERATES dragging me up hill, rooster tails of huge chunks and slime balls of the baddest meanest reddest georgia clay mud you ever seen flying out all over heck. UPHILL. A STEEP hill. Accelerating. Like nothing. Windshield and everything else gets buried in mud, I am in my truck play acting at steering staring at like six inches deep so far mud encrusted windshield (looking at it later and cleaning it off)....
Get to the top, I have one ton plus gobs of mud embedded in and on my truck. Try to give the guy a wad of cash, he wouldn't hear of it, just said , loosely paraphrased "return the favor to someone else one day when you can, besides, this stuff is fun"! We're all like laughing and whooping and staring at this sorta truck shaped gob of mud....so I get to scraping off some of it....
I was dropping fifty lb chunks of mud all the way home, then dropped like 20 bucks in quarters at the car wash blasting that stuff off, just to get to the point I could drive it to work the next day.... sorry no pics of that adventure, but in retrospect it was fun. Well, once it was out....no hogs..never been back either, last time I went hog hunting.
Your truck could have done it, too...I think..maybe.... But that pickup, man.....I see a lot of mud trucks around this state, but that one was amazing. He told me he had not got stuck in it, no matter where he took it.