Wood jackpot.

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Unless he specifically contracted with them to not leave tops in certain places, that's how logging works. They leave the tops where they lay. He's probably not going to like how that works out if he's holding their equipment hostage.

Not that I like how they handle that or think it's right, but that's how it is.

Sweet score on the wood though! Lots of good wood left after the loggers take what they want.
The contract specifically states they need to clear and restore the trails to their pre logging condition. One of the trails was not passable they tore it up so bad that the owner has had to backfill it with item four just to get the front end loader in. He doesn't care about the tops being in the woods but they did nothing to clear the paths.

But it's a big boon for me
I worked with a person who thought so too.

He weed wacked a patch of PI a couple of times, in shorts and T-shirt. Third time it was like someone had splattered hot grease all over him, the next day.

Blisters all over, and he didn't wash his hands before using the toilet that day either.:eek: :surprised3: :cry:.

Allergies are really strange things. One person can be immune to PI, and then the next year they are allergic, and vice versa. There's really no guarantee that someone won't develop an allergy to anything.

Still, PI on the nether regions must be a terrible hell to endure!!

Oh yes - and to the OP - - you suck!!!!! :clap::clap:
Couple of more loads yesterday. I'm getting tired 61 years old and hauling two pickup loads mine and my brother in laws and then loading up my trailer it starts to wear you down . Going to take a few days off. Already pulled about 10 cords out. Mostly oak and maple since that's what the loggers are there for.

I did manage a load of black locust that they damaged, had to do a plunge cut as it was really leaning and damaged about 10 ft of the ground. Fell nicely also some smaller hickory and cherry for my smoker
Couple of more loads yesterday. I'm getting tired 61 years old and hauling two pickup loads mine and my brother in laws and then loading up my trailer it starts to wear you down . Going to take a few days off. Already pulled about 10 cords out. Mostly oak and maple since that's what the loggers are there for.

I did manage a load of black locust that they damaged, had to do a plunge cut as it was really leaning and damaged about 10 ft of the ground. Fell nicely also some smaller hickory and cherry for my smoker

You're on a good thing there. I had one of wifey's friends who had a farm 10 mins down the road and was happy for me to slay the place for any tree I wanted. I did cut and split wood for her since her husband took off so it worked out. Then as the divorce worked its way through she told me I had until X date to cut wood before he bought her out. I took maybe 70 cubic metres - 20 cord or so - from there in that time and though my body was hurting I was thinking "the time will come when I wish I had pulled a few more cubes out of there".

I wish I had pulled a few more cubes out of there.
Ambrosia Maple - I had never heard of it (out west here) - love to learn something new.

Ambrosia Maple. ... Much like Spalted Maple and other forms of figured maple, Ambrosia Maple is technically not a specific species of Maple, but rather a general description of any type of Maple that has been infested by ambrosia beetles. The beetles bore into the tree, and with it bring fungus that discolors the wood.


You need to watch the cutting since this is going to court even with a contract evidence isn’t left as it was once the job is finished. To clean up firewood isn’t a very productive use of wood vs the nitrogen that’s left by the rotting materials. Was this a written contract signed by both sides with the mill splitting the checks? If not more then likely he will loose the case.

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Not sure about the contract . But they worked it out between themselves. They agreed to repair the trails which they have started to do. And I think some kind of monetary compensation to the owner. But they are back in the woods cutting.

I'm leaving lots of smaller tops and branches to rot and go back into the soil. But there is so much that is down and half rotten that the stuff they we leave is miniscule.
“3rd load ready to stack in the basement “

And neither the OP, or a Mod has seen fit, to move it to the “You Suck” thread yet:confused:;)

Where it Really BELONGS :D

Doug :cheers:

Didnt know I could move it . But now it's getting even deeper. Just picked up this bad boy. 395 with a 36" bar20191111_162323.jpg