Wood splitter Build off

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Yeah close, the Case Super M are turbocharged diesels rated at 90-95 (net/gross) hp. The pump adjusts varible flow 0 - 36 gpm @ 3050 psi to the auxilary, the primary has 38 gpm. It also weighs around 18,000 lbs. Are you going to have weight class restrictions also? :)

Two classes 10.99hp and under and UNLIMITED. I don't think it matters if you want to drag out a D-7 and use the dang blade to split.
Tell me what you guy's think of these. General Rules for Hydralic Timed Wood splitter RACING. Rule 1)No seasoned wood 2) No flywheel or mechanical splitting 3) Material to be processed will be based on the 3-16's policy consisting of 16 peices of wood, 16'' in diameter, and 16'' long. Each piece must be split into 4 semi equal peices. 4) No wood can be touching the splitter or any of it's attachments including the operator at the start of the event. 5)Any means of loading material onto splitters not by hand is not permitted, lift's are ok, but must be hand loaded. 6) Absolutely No Auto cycling Switches, lever's or eletronics. Spring and or pressure detent's are allowed, but again no auto cycling by any means. 7) Only one contestant per splitter(operator) ------------I have class breakdown's if everybody like this so far.

General rules folks, applied to both classes. Can we atleast agree on general rules. :dizzy:
That timber wolf is used for busting large logs for commercial processors and government org's so they can be run through a smaller processor or a chipper. I don't think we should allow a cylinder any larger than that in the unlimited class and limit contestants to 8 inch cylinder and 3,500 PSI MAX for obvious safety reasons. All contestants must have there rig inspected by a Fluid Power Certified engineer to avoid killing some one with a line blow out or getting oil injected under there skin. A welding inspector might also be a good idea to avoid having parts and chunks of steel flying into the grandstands and injuring or killing some one.
NO, NO, definitely NO inspections of any kind. That may eliminate to many entries. We have to keep this a poor mans sport.:) :)
Ok then count me out even a poor man can make decent welds and hydraulic connections (which I can do) I am not going to be with in fifty feet of a machine that is meant to race that has not been inspected. If the unit's welds are not made right and the owner or operator applies pressure that thing can and most likely will send steel into the crowd. These images might be graphic but this is what happens when high pressure fluid is injected into a persons hand.


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I said safty was a concern, there's your proof. As far as metal flying around, let me tell you a story. About 3 years ago I was out splitting some frozen Elm about 3-4 foot across. The splitter 16hp,5inch ram was struggling. It would start the split's up to the wings. I had the idea to help it by putting wedges across the blocks and hitting them with a sledge. I held the splitter lever with my foot and hit the two wedges. A peice exploded, into two sections and I continued. finished the job. Went to leave gathering up equipment. I couldn't find one of the wedges. Looked and looked and looked. Finally fould it about 20ft from the splitter. Thought wow, I'll keep that to myself. Went home and the first thing out of the wife's mouth was "How did you tear up that new Caharrt coat I just bought you?" What, are you talking about? I asked? she pointed to the slice across my left shoulder. I knew instantly how it got there, but I wasn't tellin. We all to often forget how much pressure we're dealing with. 5 inches to the right and a helmet would'nt have stopped it. Long story short. We have to have some safty standards. The 10hp and under class doesn't concern me azzzzzzzzzz much as the UNLIMITED.
You got really really lucky there C that is a even better example of what I am talking about when I say we need inspections in the unlimited class.
Rules and Inspections

No doubt Inspections would be necessary for liability reasons, As far as auto cycle restrictions absolutly not, timberwolf for one sell these to the public, right of the show room floor, Ive been all over the tw5 and dont remember seeing any stickers warning of the auto cycle feature, Besides any one that cant opperate a splitter with out an accident probably wont have to worry about ever getting to the splitting point anyway, They will probably have cut off there leg or sompthing with a chain saw, BESIDES that this is not a public saftey issue, no helpers RIGHT,
scatter schilds

I said safty was a concern, there's your proof. As far as metal flying around, let me tell you a story. About 3 years ago I was out splitting some frozen Elm about 3-4 foot across. The splitter 16hp,5inch ram was struggling. It would start the split's up to the wings. I had the idea to help it by putting wedges across the blocks and hitting them with a sledge. I held the splitter lever with my foot and hit the two wedges. A peice exploded, into two sections and I continued. finished the job. Went to leave gathering up equipment. I couldn't find one of the wedges. Looked and looked and looked. Finally fould it about 20ft from the splitter. Thought wow, I'll keep that to myself. Went home and the first thing out of the wife's mouth was "How did you tear up that new Caharrt coat I just bought you?" What, are you talking about? I asked? she pointed to the slice across my left shoulder. I knew instantly how it got there, but I wasn't tellin. We all to often forget how much pressure we're dealing with. 5 inches to the right and a helmet would'nt have stopped it. Long story short. We have to have some safty standards. The 10hp and under class doesn't concern me azzzzzzzzzz much as the UNLIMITED.

C metal, I hear your concern on the OPEN class, there are splitters on this site that would have to have some drive shaft schilding to be allow to run in a competition setting, as most people will (giver an extra turn on the screw), If they think it wood help them win, No problem thats what scatter schilds are for, Back in my tractor pulling days whe even schrouded the cooling fan, and, where restricted on engine RPMs, One of my first post on the splitter competition was the use of scatter shields, You dont have to be a Mechinical Engineer to see the obvious, common sence goes= along way preventing accidents, T,C, E,J,
Safety is a concern but when doing inspections the " inspector " assumes a level of liability for everything that is approved. A structural inspector cannot approve welded structures unless it can be proved that the person doing the welding was certified.
A hydraulics expert will not assume liability for materials assembled by untrained personnel for purposes not originally intended.

I am speaking from 25 years of inspecting life safety equipment.
inspections/ inspectors

Safety is a concern but when doing inspections the " inspector " assumes a level of liability for everything that is approved. A structural inspector cannot approve welded structures unless it can be proved that the person doing the welding was certified.
A hydraulics expert will not assume liability for materials assembled by untrained personnel for purposes not originally intended.

I am speaking from 25 years of inspecting life safety equipment.

Hi Trip, point well takin, As with any moter sport, many compenents are going to be subject to stress the orignal oem did not intend them for, that dosent stop high performance shows all over the globe, Hydraulic splitters are not nearly as likley to hurt any one in the public sector as many other moter sports wood or could, no need or should there be a spectator withen a specified safe range, and proper safty schields are in place, theres no more danger than being at a (garden tractor) pulling contest, Ive competed in hundreds of stock, super stock and modified tractor pulls where a single tractor will produce several thousand horse power, basically were talkin about less than 100 hp, , much like a garden tractor pulling contest, and the blocks of wood arent going to be the explosive kind, This should be about speed and efficency, not how can build a splitter that will develope 100.000 lbs of force, that class would follow into a hole new set of guide lines, no reason to have a class like that any way, If all blocks are straight grain, which they should be I dont see a problem with wood flying very far, NO exposed drive shafts allowed for starters,..Pump schielding a must, canvis over high pressure hoses, Its a moter sport competion, If there wasnt any thing to worry about there wouldnt be much intrest, If a threat of getting hurt ruled sports you would not be watching a foot ball game today with billions of dollors on the line, saftey is number 1 always,...no matter what,...T,C, E,J,.
Let's get some stuff ironed out.

No, no helpers. one man, one machine. Now, I do agree the drive shaft's need to be covered in the unlimited, the 10hp seams kinda frivelous. As far as the hoses go, do you think canvas would do the job if one blew? where are the contestants gonna come up with the wood? They provide it and each other inspects for fairness? That would work, but we need a type standard or a few exceptable's types.
Logs and stuf

No, no helpers. one man, one machine. Now, I do agree the drive shaft's need to be covered in the unlimited, the 10hp seams kinda frivelous. As far as the hoses go, do you think canvas would do the job if one blew? where are the contestants gonna come up with the wood? They provide it and each other inspects for fairness? That would work, but we need a type standard or a few exceptable's types.

Hey c metal, I thought to make it fair, lets say we have 5-8 people in each cless, at 16 in blocks that wood be a 14' log to go around once, depending on the supply, and like you said 16, 16, 16, sounds good to me, no 2 logs are going to be the same so each contestent gets 1 block from each log , the entry fees will cover the wood cost,.,Question Whats wrong with the up to 10 hp class, I wood think that is going to be the most popular, as far as a canvas over the hyd lines, thats to keep inocent by standers from an oil bath, If you BLOW UP your machine, Thats your problem and your problem alone, waivers will be signed like alot of other organized sports,.
Canvas covers will not fully contain a hydraulic blow out. You would need a nylon protective cover, steel, or PVC hose armor type guard to contain any hose bursts. A cover or scatter shield made out of either Lexan or sheet metal should be placed around the engine to contain any flying pistons or engine parts. As for the wood for the competition could the wood be center cut oak that has been cut into a uniform size by a sponsor?

Hose guards
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Battle armor

Canvas covers will not fully contain a hydraulic blow out. You would need a nylon protective cover, steel, or PVC hose armor type guard to contain any hose bursts. A cover or scatter shield made out of either Lexan or sheet metal should be placed around the engine to contain any flying pistons or engine parts. As for the wood for the competition could the wood be center cut oak that has been cut into a uniform size by a sponsor?

Hose guards

Dog A hose blowing is just like a tire blowing, a big bang and then not much spillage, no more than a garden hose spewing water, just hopw far is it going to spray, you wont be allowed to have any body hangin around your splitter that isnt part of judging, crew,
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QUOTE=cabinman;898796]Hey c metal, I thought to make it fair, lets say we have 5-8 people in each cless, at 16 in blocks that wood be a 14' log to go around once, depending on the supply, and like you said 16, 16, 16, sounds good to me, no 2 logs are going to be the same so each contestent gets 1 block from each log , the entry fees will cover the wood cost,.,Question Whats wrong with the up to 10 hp class, I wood think that is going to be the most popular, as far as a canvas over the hyd lines, thats to keep inocent by standers from an oil bath, If you BLOW UP your machine, Thats your problem and your problem alone, waivers will be signed like alot of other organized sports,.[/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong, I was refering to the drive shaft cover's on them. Heck I plan on running the 10.99 and under class.
Tell me what you guy's think of these. General Rules for Hydralic Timed Wood splitter RACING. Rule 1)No seasoned wood 2) No flywheel or mechanical splitting 3) Material to be processed will be based on the 3-16's policy consisting of 16 peices of wood, 16'' in diameter, and 16'' long. Each piece must be split into 4 semi equal peices. 4) No wood can be touching the splitter or any of it's attachments including the operator at the start of the event. 5)Any means of loading material onto splitters not by hand is not permitted, lift's are ok, but must be hand loaded. 6) Only one contestant per splitter(operator) 7)Drive shaft covers are required ------------I have class breakdown's if everybody like this so far.

OK so we're decided on two classes 10.99 and under and Unlimited. Correct? I removed the auto cycler rule, and added the sfty sheids over drive shafts. Do we agree on any other rules. I havent heard any arguemants on rules 1,2,4,5,. If we agree they'll stand.
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