Would like to add my 2 cents without offending anyone, but strong opinions, good or bad, based on one person's experience with one machine can only be given so much weight.
Husky Joe for instance has had bum luck with his Kohler engine. Ate a push rod or something?. Haven't checked the therad to see where that's at lately. So, yes, he certainly would never recommend a Kohler based on that experience. But we see so many of them out there, and sell that motor with a lot of confidence. Usually to re-power a splitter, that we rank it with the better Honda motors. Similar to what is happening to Rabn03, this type of experience is EXSTREMELY frustrating for the end user to have to deal with. And no one wants to find themselves in the same boat as either of those 2 guys. But some easy lessons can be learned, cause there's a pattern to what they are going through.
Online/direct ship splitter purchases should TOTALLY be avoided IMO. It's fine if you get a splitter with no issues, but if you encounter problems, the help on the other end of that 800 number is an awful longs ways off. Unlike many other products, the size and weight of a splitter kill the option of shipping it back. It's all on you to get it done. Dealing with the manufacturer, the "local shop" who is only going to have minimal, if any interest in getting involved. Let's face it, they don't want to deal with the same manufacturer that is giving you the run around either.
If you can't buy from a dealer with a shop, at least buy from a store like TSC or whatever where you have a physical place to return the splitter to and actual people you can talk to. Some stores have an arrangement with a local shop to provide some service. But the main thing is, you're not out there all by yourself with a dead splitter.
We sold a lot of the Ariens 22 ton splitters til they stopped making them. Not really looking for another splitter brand right now, so we are telling our customers that the best place to get a splitter is TSC, and we recommend the Kohler motor as well. Nothing wrong with the vertical Briggs units either.
The engine brand thing is another deal. I think you gotta get a name brand engine like Kohler, Honda, Briggs, Kawi, or whatever. The support network for these motors is already in place for these brands, and most dealers are signed up with them and have access to parts and what not. That's not the case with all of the odd ball "looks like a Honda" knock off engines that are out there. NOBODY should buy any Champion product with a Champion brand engine on it IMO. There are no parts in the country to support this stuff. See a lot of strange engine on generators. Why expose yourself to this kind of uncertainty just to save a few bucks? People sometimes think we are just blowing them off when we turn away something like that. But we are a busy shop and have neither the time or interest in working on something with an unkown engine on it.