Wood Stack Pictures

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Treevet.............I like your splitter & conveyor. I'm planning to split today after an oil change [TW6]. Only wish I had a conveyor. :cry:

Thanks, LAH, That splitter would have you buried to your belly button if you did not add the conveyor. I did it for 1 year and found out. Cheers.
Getting ready

I'm a bit behind this year.. just 5.5 cords stacked, need about 6 more. Three of the stacks of wood are 24" wide.

I may need a lot less since I put R-30 in the attic (previously there was about R-9), so now my total is ~R-40. I know I was losing a ton of heat out of the attic- the ceilings in house are the original boards and there are the natural gaps that come with 125 years.

I stacked my rows so each is a cord, I wanted to show folks around here what a "real" cord is. I'm tired of guys telling me that can get a whole cord in their F-150 stacked level to the sides. I say, here's four pallets (4x4x4), now THAT's a cord. :) Really, I'm not being a jerk, but when they say, yeah, it's 128 cubic feet in my truck, I show 'em what 128 cuft is. This isn't a daily thing... but it has been interesting to see guy's expressions.

Now, there are a lot of people who do know what a cord is and deliver that, so I don't want to give the impression no one around here knows. Sorry for the rant. :)

Anywho, I'll top off the stacks once more wood comes in.

<img src="http://www.arboristsite.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=104845&d=1248537475">

<img src="http://www.arboristsite.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=104846&d=1248537506">
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Do you guys with open-sided sheds worry about a cross wind while it's raining? I can see how it helps for the majority of the moisture (downpour).
I use a few tarps on the end of the stacks if it rains hard and long. Most of my stack remains dry. If it's a short or light rain, I don't worry about getting the tarps out.
Yea I have gotten a few of those "cords" when I was out of commission. Longest rulers I've ever seen. More like a face cord of burnables and 2 face cords of air. Each stack in pic is apx 20ft long x 5ft high x 16"avg wide.
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Here is how I stack my wood - allows for air flow through the stack for better drying. Each of the rows have about 2 face cord - all together there should be approx 11 full cord of wood. Gary




I just saw these picture-that is BEAUTIFUL, my friend! :greenchainsaw:
Here is how I stack my wood - allows for air flow through the stack for better drying. Each of the rows have about 2 face cord - all together there should be approx 11 full cord of wood. Gary




Just looked at your good pictures again. Do those rows fill in with snow real bad, or do you work from the outside in, so it isn't an issue?
Some of my woodpile pics.
I also have three cords of fir on the driveway sold and ready to load out.
Cows are sold and at the meat locker.
Ready for hunting season now.
Put away the splitter and get out the meat grinder/sausage stuffer.
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Thanks, I overlooked that.

Even for others that store outside, does the moisture from the snow rot the wood that is cut and stacked? Or maybe everyone does take theirs in before winter?
I'm a bit behind this year.. just 5.5 cords stacked, need about 6 more. Three of the stacks of wood are 24" wide.

I may need a lot less since I put R-30 in the attic (previously there was about R-9), so now my total is ~R-40. I know I was losing a ton of heat out of the attic- the ceilings in house are the original boards and there are the natural gaps that come with 125 years.

I stacked my rows so each is a cord, I wanted to show folks around here what a "real" cord is. I'm tired of guys telling me that can get a whole cord in their F-150 stacked level to the sides. I say, here's four pallets (4x4x4), now THAT's a cord. :) Really, I'm not being a jerk, but when they say, yeah, it's 128 cubic feet in my truck, I show 'em what 128 cuft is. This isn't a daily thing... but it has been interesting to see guy's expressions.

Now, there are a lot of people who do know what a cord is and deliver that, so I don't want to give the impression no one around here knows. Sorry for the rant. :)

Anywho, I'll top off the stacks once more wood comes in.

<img src="http://www.arboristsite.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=104845&d=1248537475">

<img src="http://www.arboristsite.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=104846&d=1248537506">

Ehhhhhhhh 4+4+8 is a cord:confused:
This years booty so far. I just started splitting the big pile yesterday. It's mostly tops left from logging a couple years ago and dead standing trees.
it'll be good to go by November.



Using my neighbors 21 ton MTD splitter. I know MTD gets a bad rap but we've beat thing thing to death and it just keeps running smooth and getting the job done.


Well I split this pile and another about half as much in March I will have to stack to keep up with y'all. I got close to two cords split ans stacked today but have not photoed it. I will do some more tomorrow and then take pics of all my stacks!