kiln dried firewood
Where can I buy the book you mentioned? Many thanks for the good words Bdog, the main reason I want to sell by the kiln dried ton is simple consistency for wood volume weight and a ready for market product. when you have astacked cord you have a lot of airspace in the stack simply from the splitting and stacking so that space is part of the volume of a full cord and it adds up a lot.
I've just got finished reading The Backyard Lumberjack, great book by the way. Any way, there is a chapter about an experience working with a guy outside New York City. The guy delivered something like 30 ton of kiln dried wood a week to all sorts of people. The big seller I think is that kiln dried wood is cleaner and virtually bug free.It's also roughly twice the cost of traditionally dried wood. Point is, if you have the right area with customers with wood burners in the likes of condos, apartments,restaurants with wood ovens and such you may have a go at it. Just my two cents!
Where can I buy the book you mentioned? Many thanks for the good words Bdog, the main reason I want to sell by the kiln dried ton is simple consistency for wood volume weight and a ready for market product. when you have astacked cord you have a lot of airspace in the stack simply from the splitting and stacking so that space is part of the volume of a full cord and it adds up a lot.