Woodsjunkie selling out EH??

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Ok Mark what’s the beef ????? Are you ever going to tell me what your problem is with me? It seems every time I get home from pounding the asphalt all week you seem to be on hear stirring up some kind of hate and discontent. I was told you Jersey “BOYS” had a way of sticking their nose in place they didn’t belong. But I may be wrong by the looks of things you have your whole head where the sun doesn’t shine……. I did realize I needed your permission to sell of my personal properties sorry next time I will ask you first.
As far as the saws I am having built and by what builder no worries of yours seems you have enough problems.
When you decide you want to take it to the woodpile just speak up. Oh, ya I forgot you wont show any ways. I hope to see you in Oriville.
Sand man looks like you deleted what ever you had posted good thing Rich quoted you, looks like the work of a member that has a history of doing this!
Nope I don’t have a problem with any of the builders I have saws by, they all work very well.
Lets just say I have a few new projects going and need to sell some stuff to finance it.
As you can see by this picture, I don’t have a lack of saws.
Have a nice day all.
Woodsjunkie, do I know you?? Just curious. I can't figure it out by reading the thread. I'm sorta slow on the uptake.

All the best,
i dont really get what the problem is..
some of the fellas have chosen to go saw racing.. thats fine.. but the fellow who built 2 of my saws ,,said he could make my work saw,, a good bit better, work saw.. and he dam sure did..
one day ill mabe do some racing ,,but rite now ,what i need is a saw that is the best work saw i can get my hands on..
mr. henry[sorry dan] built 2 saws for me with significant performance improvement .. this is what the man claimed he would do .. he did did exactly that.. plus ive confidense the saw will last..
different strokes an all.
ps i will say this .. in this area they dont nobody put my saws to shame ,and most times they end up asking what the h i did to my saw ,to get it to cut like that..
this aint meant to offend anybody ,just my take on it..

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