Work sundays?

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May 2, 2001
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I looked at a removal job the other day and the best day I can figure to do it if I get it is a Sunday. How many of you guys will do actual work on Sundays? Do you get complaints? Jobs? Lookie loo's?
when I was young and no family and wanted/needed the money all the time, but not know, to old for that stuff, in life you do what you have to do.

I work every Sunday. I have had some people ask (very LDS out here) but I tell them it allows me to spend more time with my family by taking a day off during the week (which is true). I have always perfered to work on the weekends after being introduced to it when I was 20. The stores are open on my days off as well as less traffic at campsites and lakes.
Ya' really...depends on what the family schedule is like. Raised Catholic, it used to bother me. Anymore, Sundays a day. I try and do what I can for family first.
Around here its frowned on, and will cost you business (people talk)

I try not to line anything up for sunday unless its an emergency.

You need a day off anyhow.

I will do estimates though.
I work Sundays when needed. I have also worked on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Easter and every other holiday you can think of. If the job requires it and I submitted a bid on it, I will do it. Holidays, Sundays and every other day of the week hold no special meaning to me. I got that way after working for an airline for almost 20 years with week days off.
I don't care about sundays, the only day you should never work is remembrance (veterans) day, out of respect to the war veterans.
Somebody I used to have a lot of respect for once told me something which has relevance in this topic.

Everybody has needs as far as religious or other observances goes. So long as you fullfil your individual needs you are doing fine.
"Around here its frowned on, and will cost you business (people talk)"

I'm next door to you in nc, lots of bible-thumpers here too. Let em talk; it's not a Commandment to take off Sundays, just a custom.

I like working Sundays cuz clients are home to help and write a check. My kids usually go to their other house on the weekends so I'm free; even when they're with me they can come along and help or hang out.
Why not? Most people around here don't really adhere to their religious beliefs too strongly, and in any event many are not even of Christian origin anyways. Work Sunday if you want to, provided the customer is in agreement. Sunday became a day of rest from the same book that tries to state the world was created in seven days. Quaint idea, perhaps a good one but not cast in stone. What is important is that somewhere in the week you get a break, and if that means a weekday to spend with your kids/family all the better. Ontario used to close up solid on Sundays 20 years ago(it was called The Lord's Day Act); it was difficult to even find a gas station open in the City, but that is all changed. Some WASPY relics must still be turning in their graves when they even opened the liquor and beer stores on Sundays a few years back.
I did work Rememberance Day last year, but I did take a ten minute break and made a point of listening to the CBC service from Ottawa on the truck radio. Did not diminish the respect paid to those who have passed on in the service of Canada IMHO and I sold poppies on the street for the Legion a couple of days before that one weather day to make up for it, and if available always go to the local cenotaph.
I can see the LDS types and southern Bible thumpers getting a little worked up, but hey its a free country.
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Working Sunday?

Some towns around here have rules against making noise on Sundays, some areas you can't work on Sundays. So it's not one of my regular work days. If a strom came through Saturday and it needs to be cleaned up, Sunday the work gets done.
Work sundays...hell ya! We have alot of weekend homes around here and if we are a little short on work, nothing brings em running faster than a chainsaw and chipper. Fills the books for weeks. Just another day.
by you

treeman82 said:
I looked at a removal job the other day and the best day I can figure to do it if I get it is a Sunday. How many of you guys will do actual work on Sundays? Do you get complaints? Jobs? Lookie loo's?
depends on the town i have had some heavy blue collar types up there lose it and start sceaming at us make sure your client knows its sunday i have been shut down many times by screaming cops as well that want to arrest or ticket, the problem is you got brush all over the place equipment and guys that need to be paid its a nightmare if they shut ya down, if it goes smooth its smooth as a gravy sandwich j
work sunday, NOOoooo!! 6 days is enough, besides where im at there are shade tree counsels and ordinances against it. funny thing is though as long as you are doing it for yourself no problem! but if your a business they fine the hell outta ya!! LXT.....................
Around here in some towns to cut your own lawn there are time restrictions on weekends. Jim, I don't think I'd have a problem with the cops (I hope) at this particular job site seeing as how the owner's brother in law is the chief of police. Honestly though, I don't think I'm gonna get this job, let alone do I think I really want it for the price that the competition is doing it for. Town guy says $1,200. Tree is worth $2,000 no problems.
I try not to work on Sunday unless its a emergency job or a cleanup that has to be done

I have to usually work around the Fire dept so i never plan on anything to go on any day