May I interject
Thank you.I realise,I don't have expertise to talk of this,but please bear with a novice.My training is as submarine sonar tech 2nd ,20yrs as an Ibew inside wireman and 14 yrs as an industrial electrician.The amount of current that will pass through your body,is dependent on the source voltage,and the resistance of the current path.As has been pointed out,general distrubution voltage is from around 4160 volts to 8,000.34,500 to 69,000,is considered as medium transmission,or high distrubution,and is generally the highest you will see,on wooden poles.Generaly speaking,above 69 kv,is normally on steel structures,and quite high in the air.The key safety factor,is safe working distance.Safe practices,can be obtained through proper tecnique,and properly insulated tools,personal protective equipment and training ,repeat,training.High voltage demands respect,it will kill you,please work safe.Oh,one more thing.Negative,to positive ,on Dc,or at least,that is the world wide,accepted theory.That being the case,how does it flow within the source,Enrico,where are you.