Worst/most memorable fall

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My worst fall was when I slipped on a rock and went feet up. Somehow I landed on the saw handle, throat first...
It didn't hurt much at first but pretty soon I couldnt swallow without shooting pain and after that I couldn't swallow at all. I had a buddy with me in the woods and luckily he saw my somersault and came over to check on me. We decided to call it a day and head back to the car in case it got worse. I figured it would be ok the next day so I just headed home, but my gf thought otherwise and took me to ER. Nothing major was broken, but the throat was quite sore for a few days.

Another memorable fall was when I took a hit from a widow maker and got knocked to the ground, my husqvarna helmet saved me :)

Oh and that one time when I stepped in a bottomless hole, I was stuck up to my arm pits in mud and had a buddy pointing at me, laughing his ass off!
I probably have 10 good ones. Could take me a while to get around to them all.
I've been eye phucking this thread for a while. Well a week anyways .
I think the worst one was when I landed on my feet....for the longest pain anyways.
Made my buck on a Cedar butt log. About 60" (1.5m) x
a 5.5 m. (17'+) That's what we call a 'beer can by 'scale' demention ' . Or a 'bingo' ...err...umm...if it flys...I was pushing at max weight for the Vertol 10 m3 . Right on the max. The pilot would have to fly it at the end of the cycle when low on fuel. I might add I don't get extra for 'bingo's but you do get fired if your not adhering to your bucking weights.
....Heli blocks....steep ground thick with cedar wood. Finished the buck from a higher log that I pushed it with but I didn't drop the cut, it didn't move as the lay way so tight. You have to be sure not to leave 'Russians' .... when the helicopter grabs it it tears the log. (that's another ticket home)
I while later I had to go back down to courtesy buck some junk of the the fly wood. I tested to see if I could walk on to that butt log. It seemed safe so I walked down the log and cleaned the junk. I walked on it on the way back and down we went about 7 to 8 ft, my head below all the logs and branches of the fall and buck. As all my weight is going down feet first... my body just crumbled as the end of the 10,000lb log evidently had already hit the ground and was on it's way back up to nail me in on the bottom of the feet. My teeth smashed together (my neck cracked. hard).If my tounge was hanging out my teeth it would have been on the ground. I thought there would have being a good chance I was going to have chronic
neck problems. I felt it for about 6 months.
Russians, heard folks call em russian couplings but never got an accurate description other then its sometimes used to hold a log together on steep ground, counting on the yarding to break em free, but I thought it was more of an intentional thing rather then just being lazy and not cutting the bottom bit up for fear of dulling a chain or sumsuch