would you climb it?

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Before to climb, we made support of two rope (at height 2/3 from ground) All work has passed by the plan (plan was developed 2 hours). With customer have taken 800 $
You used the zipline to support the broken trees? Why not use the use zipline to support yourself while removing the trees , running it on top of the trees?
Hey Dan, why haven't you asked me yet? I'll climb anything if the money is right. Anyway give me a call sometime I lost your number AGAIN. Take care.

Big John
for Toddppm

We should protect from fall of trees a road, powerline (on a photo it is not visible) and fence. "Zipline" was strongly tense, the trees even have risen (4..5’). We thought about one more zipline for treeworker safety, but the system of support of trees has turned out reliable enough, and one more Zipline strongly has slowed down workIf (I was joined(attached) to Zipline, at such a strong tensity I could not move along trees.)

The circuit: Zipline-------tree-------Lanyard---------Treeworker
IMHO is better, than Zipline-----Treeworker------Lanyard--------Tree
I can tear:), or Lanyard

Sometimes we use the similar circuit (Pic)
Re: for Toddppm

Originally posted by Grigory

The circuit: Zipline-------tree-------Lanyard---------Treeworker
IMHO is better, than Zipline-----Treeworker------Lanyard--------Tree
I can tear:), or Lanyard

We have talked about this a few times. The other possibility we came up with is to tie in with a climbing line and use a "breakaway" lanyard. This is like a fuse between the climber and the hazarous tree.
"Breakway" Lanyard

It is very good idea! We thought of such " fuse" some times, but in practice did not apply.
One more idea taken at the SkyDiving: System of emergency division. Works trouble-free under any loading.

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