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That's a bold statement on your behalf. I've seen vids enough about morons on your side of the pond that don't know what they are doing. Stupidity is universal and not limited to a particular continent. We of course have our weekend warriors but I've seen lots of pro's at work too. We hired a local tree company to remove a dangerous tree last year and I regret not shooting a vid of them at work. Real pro in every detail.

The generation of real loggers like you folks have in the PNW is a dying breed too, unfortunately.

Don't forget that in many countries over here you need to follow a chainsaw schooling before you even can operate one.

Like I said later. I am sure there are plenty of people who know what they are doing in Europe, but I haven't seen a video yet. I still believe Europeans have not seen the light of longer bars though. Sure in some circumstances, they may not be necessary, but more often then not longer bars will be safer and get the job done more efficiently. I agree that there are A LOT of American yahoos cutting trees and posting vids of their "great" work. Hey I was neg repped in a different thread for calling them out. I just don't get the euro method and mentality when it comes to falling trees. Why not 3 cuts instead of 6? Why bore a 14" 40ft pine? Its not effcient from what I have seen. PNW logging is not the only type of logging left in the U.S. either. The trees are still growing everywhere. Soft and Hard....
longer bars will be safer and get the job done more efficiently.

I just ripped up a bunch of birch plywood for the woodstove... using a 32" bar on a good ol' 036 PRO. That B/C combo would work pretty much nowhere else with that saw, but it made quick work of the pile I had to cut and I didn't have to bend over at all while working. Good ol' American Ingenuity, I tell ya.
Come one guys, give them kids some slack. That sawyer was nervous as hell because someone was making a video, and his chain was obviously not very sharp. Makes him indeed a dangerous object. Hopefully he will learn the way along. When he hung up the other one (the one he walks on), the other guy keeps telling him "ne fait pas le con" or "don't do anything stupid".
Kids do stupid things. We all did once.

I am with belgian on this one!
I cut for two years privately
And with the forestry department.
I will never call my self a pro!
Good or bad! They are doing what only some of us think or wish we could for a living!

My turn to get scolded!!!!
Wow is right...

I hope someone that knows them kids can teach em so they will get to grow old.... They might think it's ha,ha,,and laught about ####,,,but there was so many things that was so wrong...Good thing it was a small tree....he ever cut tru half way tru his hinge and spin a big one around,,God help him.....
I think he better get Stevie Wonder to go with him next time for someone to swing that maul....I thought his friend was gonna beat that tree to death....LOL!!!
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Um, wow. Was that you, Uldis?

I'll say he has the makings of a fine logger. I hope he will listen to constructive remarks.

Some stuff I noticed:

-Look up! Gravity will kill you even with small branches from above.

-I really thought we were going to watch him get killed working around the base of that tree.

-Longer bar. It would have saved him a lot of cutting time.

-Full or 3/4 wrap handle. Again, just a time saving feature.

-Smaller axe for pounding wedges and use plastic wedges.

-What sort of a lay was that? To me it seemed like a funny direction to send the tree, but I don't know enough about the site to be sure on that.

Truth is even the best of pros have probably had a tree that looked similar, the reality of working in the woods.

Mr. HE:cool:
Um, wow. Was that you, Uldis?

I'll say he has the makings of a fine logger. I hope he will listen to constructive remarks.

Some stuff I noticed:

-Look up! Gravity will kill you even with small branches from above.

-I really thought we were going to watch him get killed working around the base of that tree.

-Longer bar. It would have saved him a lot of cutting time.

-Full or 3/4 wrap handle. Again, just a time saving feature.

-Smaller axe for pounding wedges and use plastic wedges.

-What sort of a lay was that? To me it seemed like a funny direction to send the tree, but I don't know enough about the site to be sure on that.

Truth is even the best of pros have probably had a tree that looked similar, the reality of working in the woods.

Mr. HE:cool:

Good tips. I'd also mention: A lit cigarette, while using or refueling a chainsaw may not be the best choice ;)
I thought the lit cig was a nice touch, almost something manly and carefree about it.:hmm3grin2orange:

Mr. HE:cool:
Could be clips of a new movie trailer, like jackass. Or' some foreign propaganda clips to have chainsaws nightmares, whatever.... Scary.
I was really hoping to see a blaze of sparks flying off the chain when he went in with the metal wedge in place...that would be cool. :clap::clap::clap:

Totally! I was hoping to see that splitting wedge fly out and whack him in the nuts!:check:
Um, wow. Was that you, Uldis?
--What sort of a lay was that? To me it seemed like a funny direction to send the tree, but I don't know enough about the site to be sure on that.

Truth is even the best of pros have probably had a tree that looked similar, the reality of working in the woods.

Mr. HE:cool:

Maybe the mill didn't want to take the small diameter logs so he had instructions to "bust up the little stuff."

I'd a had a little talk with him over his tossing of the cigarette.

But he did have (I took Spanish, not French) Joie de vivre.

Je suis le formage. No hablo Francais. :popcorn:
That last vid is exactly what I'm talking about. Cutting swells off, beating the hell out of the saw and himself. No decent escape path clear. Bustin up other timber. Wasting fuel. I've cut a lot of timber with small bars 16 and 18" on trees that were 40+". That was all the boss had when I started. There is a better way than that with a short bar. But a long bar you are done in half the time and more safely. As the tree started to tip he should have kept on the saw a bit and it would have left the stump. When he pinched the bar after that I just laughed out loud. He thought he did a hell of a job.
I'm with Bitzercreek. What's up with the European habit of shaving swells off? Waste of time and gas. I don't get that lay either. Downhill, into timber, across another log? Even if he was instructed to "bust up the small stuff", there's too much chance of smashing the more desirable log. It looked to me like a better lay would have been cross-hill in either direction. I guess I have to give him kudos for freeing his hanger, but he never should have hung it in the first place. Also, why not use the flat of the face cut as the steering cut like a sane human? Why cut the angle first? The only time I do that is when I'm cutting rotten snags on fire and I don't want the hulk to sit down on my bar. I've had it happen, and it's nerve-racking. Sometimes just sounding a log isn't enough, or there's no time.
Um, wow. Was that you, Uldis?

I'll say he has the makings of a fine logger. I hope he will listen to constructive remarks.

Some stuff I noticed:

-Look up! Gravity will kill you even with small branches from above.

-I really thought we were going to watch him get killed working around the base of that tree.

-Longer bar. It would have saved him a lot of cutting time.

-Full or 3/4 wrap handle. Again, just a time saving feature.

-Smaller axe for pounding wedges and use plastic wedges.

-What sort of a lay was that? To me it seemed like a funny direction to send the tree, but I don't know enough about the site to be sure on that.

Truth is even the best of pros have probably had a tree that looked similar, the reality of working in the woods.

Mr. HE:cool:

No, it was not me. That was another video of logging in France.
Two things You mentioned:
1) About longer bar: I agree, for tree this big a longer bar would be easier, but reality is that in Europe trees this big ain't in every day logging. This tree is well above "the usual tree size". The tree he smashed is more like it.
2) Full wrap or 3/4 wrap handle. To get one, it has to be ordered from USA, because none of the models sold in Europe come standard with them. And usually the trees fall close to ground, so they can be limbed from side - we don't have to walk on them and reach to limbs, where wrap handle and longer bar would be nice.
I didn't want to offend anybody by posting it or making an impression that Europeans don't know how to cut timer (in fact they can do it well). I just thought that this one shows some things that should be avoided - like why hadn't he bucked the tree he smashed by falling this tree on (the delimbed one)? Why did he start bore-cut with the upper not lower quadrant of bar nose? And when tree gets hung up - it is not the way to cut a hinge, as far as I know, because it can get pinched like he got it?
Just analyzing some vids, I can learn more.
Just my two santims.
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