Just got a homelite xp1000 the other day. 1964 is the year it was manufactured. Any opinions as to what I should mix the fuel/oil ratio? All my other saws have been getting 32:1 with 50% Husky oil, and 50% Mobil Racing 2 T synthetic. Should I mix this old homelite a little richer on oil say 24:1 or is 32:1 safe? Also these old saws were used to lower octane fuel like somewhere around 72. Is there any opinions on this. I poured some 93 octane in her and made some adjustments to the carb, she seems to idle good on this fuel 32:1? Any opinions would be appreciated! Thanks to all who post, and have a great day! Let's pray those fuel prices start going down! $3.00 a gallon for 87 octane is way too much for the quality of it!