something very bad happened this weekend....

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ArboristSite Guru
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
southeastern PA
so i was cutting some firewood, decided to drop the last dead birch, and got it hung up in the tree next to it. What is the best way to deal with leaners, i had a flat back cut in this one, and i have some pictures of how the tree ended up on the ground, this scared the livin crap out of me when it came down.
Most "felling levers" have a cant hook on them so that when a tree gets hung up you can "roll it" back and forth to get the tree to work through the part where it is hung up. If you are involved in felling a tree and it gets hung up and you don't have tools or equipment to handle it, another option is to start sawing blocks out of the low end until the top slides out of the hang up. The sequence of cuts is to start about 2-3 feet up the trunk from your stump and saw from the topside down and leave yourself a strap of wood on the bottom of the log. Then finish cutting the strap from underneath so your saw doesn't get pinched. This will allow the tree to drop a couple feet and create some motion so it can work itself out.

When dealing with strong leaners, you can "bore the backcut", so to speak. Make your facecut, and then bore in behind the face leaving a strap for holding wood, around 1.5-2 inches worth. Start cutting towards the back of the tree and leave yourself a strap. The finish the strap from the back and that gives you a way to escape the stump.
Most "felling levers" have a cant hook on them so that when a tree gets hung up you can "roll it" back and forth to get the tree to work through the part where it is hung up. If you are involved in felling a tree and it gets hung up and you don't have tools or equipment to handle it, another option is to start sawing blocks out of the low end until the top slides out of the hang up. The sequence of cuts is to start about 2-3 feet up the trunk from your stump and saw from the topside down and leave yourself a strap of wood on the bottom of the log. Then finish cutting the strap from underneath so your saw doesn't get pinched. This will allow the tree to drop a couple feet and create some motion so it can work itself out.

When dealing with strong leaners, you can "bore the backcut", so to speak. Make your facecut, and then bore in behind the face leaving a strap for holding wood, around 1.5-2 inches worth. Start cutting towards the back of the tree and leave yourself a strap. The finish the strap from the back and that gives you a way to escape the stump.
Good advice
ok let me say i did help it along, basically what jacob said in the earlier post, i measured up the trunk 2 feet or so, cut from the top, then bottom. i have seen that done many times to successfully unhang up a tree, but this time the peice shot out of the bottom and the trunk slid over the stump, went over 10 feet back, kicked up, and it was all over.
Man, that is something that does happen. If I think a tree is gonna get hung up, especially one of that size I would get about 50 feet of rope and tie a running bowline as a butt- rope ideally at about 10-12 feet up and throw the rest out of the way, make my cut with a little holding wood to make sure it will go as far as possible without jumping off the butt. As it begins to go GET CLEAR! If it is hung up you will either be able to pull it or shake it free. If that does not work I start cutting pieces as needed to cut weight if necessary. I don't get closer to a hung-up tree than I absolutely need to.
bullseye said:
something very bad happened this weekend....

yeah well, at least you didnt get married.....or engaged............or circumsized...........or snipped............
basically all the same thing really... :cry:
Those leaners can be a real PITA.

Those leaners can be a real PITA.


Gypo, you got more experience in your left little finger than I got in my whole body, so I need you to take this the right way...I really do...but

Those leaners can be a real PITA.


. :jawdrop:
John!!! are you still with us



don't go tward the light John

A helicopter is on its way

Just hang in there John

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Gypo is just fooling around, he probably yarded it down with his skidder. I fencepost stuff like that down, or hammer it with something else if it will work. Gots to be carefull.
Gypo, you got more experience in your left little finger than I got in my whole body, so I need you to take this the right way...I really do...but


I hope so

Gypo you there Gypo can I have you saw :biggrinbounce2:

:ices_rofl: :ices_rofl::ices_rofl: :ices_rofl:

I'd rep you guys for those but you know...

Are you going to fill us in or leave us hangin'? (haha get it):D
Gypo is just fooling around, he probably yarded it down with his skidder. I fencepost stuff like that down, or hammer it with something else if it will work. Gots to be carefull.

Hook, line, and sinker.

I'm going to bed now. I'll probably thrash about during the night...trying to spit the hook and all...