16,000 pound piece of fire wood

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i'm guessing the onboard computer tells the operator just how much, but he could be going by the green wood weight chart that should be on all cranes.
How are you determining the weight on those???

Oldirty is right, these weights are from the cranes on board computor.
We get the weight of each pic and figure the percentage of the max rated lift at the angle and reach of the boom. Then the next pick can be safely estimated and rigged.
While it was sound to the core, it had huge expansion cracks. Some where over an inch wide and two feet long.
The large bumps on the side are where limbs came of in the past and are sure to have significant decay.
The tree leaned pretty heavy to one side, so I would expect a lot of tension would be released as it was milled, resulting in board or slabs that resemble potato chips.
The tramp metal was all over the but log and some was quite large. I don't think you would get through a 1" bolt very well, even with .404 chain.
turns out it was black oak.

If this tree was growing back east, it would be called a red oak.
The best pics I could find showing it are not very good.
#126 is of the heart and sap wood and also shows the bark.
#44 and 45 show the leaves, the best is in the lower right corner of the pics.
#52 is of AS member Scootr (Ron) standing by the skidsteer, who stoped by to say hi. I felt bad because I didn't really have time to talk.
We will have to get together at the stockade and catch up.
we got black and red out here. anyway you look at it she a big'n!

Are you still in Alaska?
I don't know the proper latin names for these trees, But if that tree was growing in Alabama it would be called a cherry bark red oak.
It is funny how tree names change from one area to the next.
no i am back home in mass again. i was looking at the leaves and they seem to be skinnier in between the pointed lobes. i think black oak works because i think the red oak leaves are wider.
Ron here

Hey Joe, you were pretty busy that day, didn't want to get in the way.I can't believe how fast you got that down! You said you would probably be there all week, I came by two days later, you were gone.

THAT WAS A BIG ONE! I told you we have some BIGUNS ROUND HERE! That crane looked fully extended, and that big oak was towering above it, surrounded by houses and spectators. I was hoping to get some of that for next year, went by there and you would have never known it was there!

Lets meet at the Stockade and make plans to get some of this wood you are dropping! Won't be long, we'll be firin' up the fireplace. I am trying to get a monster splitter from my neighbor, unless you have one?