Reviving this thread form the dead...anybody still out there??? I have an original G-107 that I bought from Granberg in the 70's. In the 80's when I contacted them, they had sold out all the existing models. I'm still limping along with it, but it needs severe help. I can't believe that no one foreign or domestic has made another jig to replace this old one.

If I knew a machinist versed in making small parts, it would be easy to replicate. The whole thing is cheap pot metal to start with and an accident waiting to happen, breakage-wise. It's a great design and no doubt the steel prototype was a fantastic little machine....good enough that Granberg made the cheap pot metal one as its imitator.
I would think enough of us are still using chisel chain and this would be a lucrative venture for someone of machinist skills. Hell, I'd pay between $100-$200 for this little jig replicated in steel or decent alloy. You just wouldn't believe what I've had to do to make mine work over the yrs...I one time even threw the thing in the trash...but I can't find anything to replace for field work.