Homelite Super XL AO Starter question

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New Member
May 19, 2009
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I have been fiddling with this for a while now, and I would think someone else has run into this problem on this saw.

Basically the starter cord came out, no problem. So I put a new one in a #5 46" long as the IPC calls for and... the knot binds on the nut that holds the starter screen down and the prawls in place to the magneto and this keeps the cord from recoiling. I have tried knocking the cord down to a #4, I have tried as many types of nylon washers as I could find, tying a slip knot around the starter pulley and even using no washer. Still some piece of the knot catches on the nut. I have tried to see if the nuts will tighten down to allow the flat sides to be in line with knot, but the nuts are run down completely. This is not my saw, I was just tuning it up for someone, and the cord obviously frayed and broke because of this problem - I could even feel it binding before it broke. I can take pictures if needed, but I figured someone out there has had this problem. Also I did get it to work by pulling the knot into the hole of course.. but that isn't to secure.
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The knot needs to be in the hole.
Tie a knot and pull it tight then cut off the end of rope leaving abot
a 1/4 inch. Take your lighter and heat up the end of the rope until it
melts. Then mash the melted end back in to the knot. Stuff it in the
hole. Use a tool to push down on the knot if its still sticking out
to much. It should end up with just a little of the knot sticking out.

Alright I guess this is the solution, thanks a bunch for the great description!

Although the parts diagram calls for a washer, I just don't see how this worked. Also what is the picture revealing to me? That starter is a bit different in that it has a cutaway from the hole to the edge of the starter pulley, am I to see that the diameter of the hole is larger then the inner wall of the pulley? I can't quite make out much from the image.
The photo of the blue starter was to show you the knot in the hole
and no washer. Heres a newer SXL starter just a knot in the end of
the rope. When you wind the rope in the pulley the knot will stay there.


Hey thanks a lot you are a great help. I really find it something that you take the time to take some pictures. I grabbed a bunch of low profile lock nuts from work but I will leave the center locks on and go with your strategy, thanks man. I would love to see a mint super xlao to see how they pulled off the washer. Have a good one Mr bow saw