Small axe for wedge driving

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Cut it off close to the head and then drill a bunch of holes in it. They usually come out pretty easy then.

I've done both (cut close to head and drilled holes), but the wedge is metal and the small holes around it don't seem to be doing much. I did stick the head in a vise and have pounded on what's left of the handle and the wedge and wood have moved out quite a bit. The wood around the wedge is VERY hard. When I get back to working on it, I'll put it back in the vise and try a large punch.

Q The wood around the wedge is VERY hard. When I get back to working on it, I'll put it back in the vise and try a large punch. Q

Did a lot of hammer handles in the past. After drilling lots of holes to relieve the radial pressure the slug usually comes out pretty easy. If not, then the punches. Rather than a large punch, try a smaller one, maybe 1/8 inch diameter. A large punch tries to push it all at once. Sometimes a small one works better but just pushing out small sections ot the slug at a time.
Rotozip and dremel did not work very well for me.
Q The wood around the wedge is VERY hard. When I get back to working on it, I'll put it back in the vise and try a large punch. Q

Did a lot of hammer handles in the past. After drilling lots of holes to relieve the radial pressure the slug usually comes out pretty easy. If not, then the punches. Rather than a large punch, try a smaller one, maybe 1/8 inch diameter. A large punch tries to push it all at once. Sometimes a small one works better but just pushing out small sections ot the slug at a time.
Rotozip and dremel did not work very well for me.

Thanks for the advice.

I know its not really what the OP specified in what you were looking for, as you wouldnt very well carry my axe on your belt but i am that proud of it i couldnt help but chime in on this topic.

I got a really nice old axe from Ebay a while ago. What atracted me to it was that is was made in 1952, left over surplus from the old Green goddess fire engines that used to be in the uk. The pic below isnt actually of mine but its the same axe. you can see the head is covered in a thick green paint that took some effort to remove but the axe was almost gleaming underneath. Not bad for an axe stamped with 1952!! It feels great in the hand and i think that such a product was better made in that era from anything youd pick up now save perhaps the gransfors and suchlike.

Ill try and get a pic of my axe when i have the time.
Im not saying I would knock wedges in with this but thought it deserved to get it's pic posted !

That is a NICE looking axe. And it did, in fact, deserve having is pic posted.
But, don't shame it with wedge duty (pun intended), lol :cheers:



I'm in the market for a good wedge axe, mine broke last week and i tossed it in the woods....
Enjoyed the discussion on pounding wedges. If I ever have the $$$ to spend on good-lookin' axes & sledges I will know what to look for. In the meantime, I will stay with my 3 pounder. The original handle broke, so fashioned my own from the wood pile.

Enjoyed the discussion on pounding wedges. If I ever have the $$$ to spend on good-lookin' axes & sledges I will know what to look for. In the meantime, I will stay with my 3 pounder. The original handle broke, so fashioned my own from the wood pile.


I found a picture of ya,
I spotted a 2 & 1/4 i believe it was camping ax just like the one my pops had that we could not find a duplicate of over at Bi Mart for under 20 bucks.

i think im gonna get one or two here soon, just soon as i stop spending 40 dollars a week on # 4 & 5 blue foxes,

spinner fishing is a very expensive sport!! O well, Im alot cooler than thoes obnoxious, lazy, skill-less bobber fisherman:greenchainsaw: though i will tolerate some bottom drifting...
I bought one of these for a friend of mine who is Swiss. The poll is not the right shape for pounding wedges. The quality is mediocre.

Thanks 2D....I wasn't looking at it just for pounding wedges but this is the kind of info I was hoping to hear. :cheers: