2 Ways to give Arboriculture a Black Eye

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Time zones can be a bugger, so I got some catching up to do.

This Darth Vaden is dark sinister and illogical ******. Here goes the evidence once again, and be ready for his usual 180 degree back flips.

Like I wrote about you a bit earlier Ekka - you are back at back at Arboristsite one more time for the better honey.

And off topic as I expected.

Come back for more honey again.

So I'm off topic yet you crap on about Honey and Ramoras, the topic is black eyes.
...he finds more honey here.

Ekka is sort of like a Ramora.

Now to Treeseer.
If you think climbing is what makes an arborist an arborist, then I would not hire you to work on my trees.

That's about as intelligent as hiring Mario to prune a limb off 60' up the canopy over a roof (only climbing access) that was broken in a storm. What an idiotic statement, pull ya foot out of your mouth. :dizzy:

Back to Darth Vaden:
Eric - aka Ekka - just replied something pertaining to his competiing tree forum LINK being removed from Wikipedia.

He did not point out that ommissions or inclusions of links on the Wikipedia arborist page, was posted under it's own sub-heading in the DISCUSSION page. The links changes were thrown into the arena of suggestions for any contributor at Wikipedia to discuss.


Siince NO other editor / contributor wrote any other suggestion or objection, some links were culled. As you see, anybody had the opportunity to speak their mind.

In fact, it's been over 3 MONTHS for which feedback could have been added, and yet no objections to the suggested edit.

First of all, I don't receive emails or reminders or jack crap from Wiki when ******s like you type rubbish, it's a really unfriendly awful piece of software.

But lets closely examine the Mario instigated culling of links. I have circled in red who the perp was, of course Mario, the timing coincides with the demise of his forum and popularity.

Likely one of the motivations was that he lost fair and square in this thread and is still today carrying the sour grapes. Website Links for more traffic.

Funny how around the same time he then goes to Wiki to bugger up other people links, because he is a ******.

Here's the evidence from the discussion page.

Now, strangely other links did stay. Have a look.

Now the links that did stay are organisations that are funded with members, businesses in fact, businesses that aren't free access to all like forums. You wont get quick replies or help like you do at forums.

But Mario's mind doesn't think consistently when it is fuelled by the Dark side like it is.

You decide, see the facts, work the coincidences and decide for yourself what this ****** is all about.
Does anyone still give two shakes for wikiwhatever?

Doesn't every John and Jane realize it is written by the other Jane or John?

No one I know relies on wiki for anything, it's a bust.

Ekka must have spent 1/2 an hour on that one. One thing he omitted, is that he never went to that discussion page to recommend any changes in THAT SPECIFIC sub-heading. Nor did any other editing contributor.

I think the best example to illustrate what Ekka is complaining about, would be voting.

Suppose 100 people in a small town could all vote. And suppose they had 3 months in which to nominate someone for office or vote, but only 1 person voted - and 99 chose not to vote. Can you image months later, one of the other 99 who did NOT vote, whining about the 1 person who voted? Or one of 99 who did not nominate anybody, complaining that someone else did? That's sort of like the Wikipedia thing. It's open for everyone to vote and suggest changes and edits, and post for ongoing deliberation.

Does anyone still give two shakes for wikiwhatever?

Doesn't every John and Jane realize it is written by the other Jane or John?

No one I know relies on wiki for anything, it's a bust.


You nailed it.

Open to every John and Jane.

I think you explained it more clearly with your brief 2 sentences.
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Speaking of the uselessness of imagery, and pretention, Mario, you have shown us at least a couple of images of Ribes growing out of Redwoods.

Do you consider these photos to exhibit unusual or rare situations?

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Speaking of images, Mario, you have shown us at least a couple of images of Ribes growing out of Redwoods.

Do you consider these photos to exhibit unusual or rare situations?


Depends on point of view.

There tends to be more of the huckleberry and ferns growing up in the canopy from what I see. And much less of the Ribes and trees like spruce.

So in the canopy it's rare, but in the forest, not rare.

I don't think those photos (those are all on Dr. Silletts' Humboldt Univ. site) showed the rare species that they have found in some redwoods. But there are some species of lichens in the canopy that are rare in the forest and rare up in the canopy.

Maybe a hypothetical situation might be interesting to consider.

Suppose sword ferns and trilliums only grew abundantly up in the trees. But down on the forest floor, there were only 2 sword ferns and 1 trillium in a 7 acre area. Would it really matter if the 2 ferns and 1 trillium got stomped - since there are so many up above? If that were a possible situation, the 2 ferns and 1 trillium would not be rare, due to the numbers up above.

That's a bit simplified though. And the fern mats and plants growing up in redwoods are going to provide a habitat for other species of animals too - including food at a different level.
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There is a good chance that there are more rare lichen growing on a mature Acer macrophylla than in the canopy of a Redwood forest.

Agree or disagree?


There is a good chance that there are more rare lichen growing on a mature Acer macrophylla than in the canopy of a Redwood forest.

Agree or disagree?


In the right area - believable - so agree. New stuff is being learned all the time. Like wasn't it just in the past 6 years or so, that scientists learned about glomalin, the substance in soil and where it comes from? I think they knew it was there, but did not understand it. Know of any rare lichen patches on maples? B.C. must have a lot of nice big old ones scattered around the province.

Only once have I seen a rare plant that grows in one geographical location. I mean like a few hundred acres or less. In southern Oregon, on the Lower Table Rock, and I think the Upper Table Rock, grows Dwarf Wooly Meadowfoam. Only up on top does it flower and grow in springtime, and nowhere else.
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Only once have I seen a rare plant that grows in one geographical location. I mean like a few hundred acres or less. In southern Oregon, on the Lower Table Rock, and I think the Upper Table Rock, grows Dwarf Wooly Meadowfoam. Only up on top does it flower and grow in springtime, and nowhere else.


Sounds magnificent.

Would you deny anyone the right to hike into Lower Table Rock to see and photograph this perfect gem?

Would you deny me this?

Would you deny my son this?

Just a thought.

Ekka must have spent 1/2 an hour on that one. One thing he omitted, is that he never went to that discussion page to recommend any changes in THAT SPECIFIC sub-heading. Nor did any other editing contributor.

But that sounds like a rather mean spirited, vindictive thing you did, not a service to the community. Do you want to explain your motives?
Thanks, lxt.

Hey jomoco what makes the $700 helmet cam so much better than the $200?

The POV1 is smaller, has a new wide angle lens, but what makes it worth the price to me is it's remote control card that allows you to control the cams functions without taking it off your head.

i'm all for hugging a tree worth hugging, and these big fellas are worth the squeeze but what? the tree next to this one a thousand years later wont be there?

We cannot say that it will or will not. If a lot of people are allowed entrance to the stand, then maybe not. I'm talking about the entire stand, the understory included. There should be areas of varied degrees of restricted access in areas of ecological importance.

The needs of the many supersede the whim of the few. Once again the rock and boulder climbing analogy, scuba too, are appropriate.

cycle of life, no?

i'm not saying go in there and lay waste but if its an ecosystem that is a living thing then you know what? yup. there's gonna be another thousand year old tree some where down the line right next to the one thats either two thousand years old or fallen over from age and creating a nice spot for the next thousand year old tree to grow. as long as the sun is gonna shine and some water gets mixed in the tree is gonna grow.

Sometimes over simplifying works, but here we have a remnant community of a Northern Latitude Coniferous Rain Forest. Not much of that left. We do not know what is in them that can be disturbed, so we should protect some of it so that there will be some for generations to come. The above is a bit superficial, but I'm not trying to write a treatise.

climb the mofo if you got the balls.

I'm not so ballsy, and I've climbed. It is more the wind to do that huge first pitch then anything else.

My stand is that just because it is there does not allow any yahoo with enough throwline to enter. Or every hiker, campsites can be brutal to the ecosystem, even if you carry out.

Mario mentioned trilllium somewhere here. It is illegal in WI to pick it. Heck, i hate geese, what with all the poop. I do not think we should allow year round hunting.

In a civil society there should be restrictions on the individual. I'll stop before I get started on four-wheeling anywhere one pleases :rolleyes: :angrysoapbox:

hey jps. just cause i dont know all the big words in the tree world you gonna ignore every question i ask you? boots in another thread....you to good to answer a fellow tree WORKING man's questions?

I don't read every thread posted, even ones I have posted a to recently. After 8 or so years there is just too much of the same ol' same ol'. It is the occasional thread, like this one, where I get the opportunity to think a little, that keeps me coming back

So if I do not answer a question right away, please PM me and I'll try.

You seem to have a few more brain cells then the average Joe, so maybe you should consider expanding your vocabulary. If i was able to teach myself, I have no doubt you can too.
But that sounds like a rather mean spirited, vindictive thing you did, not a service to the community. Do you want to explain your motives?

thats because he wants to always be right! you wont see that on his testimonial page!

whats funny if you go to his site he speaks about what a service he does for the community......and if you dont agree with him, he`ll "ninja" the domain!

I dont know why anyone would even look past the thread topic & try to debate or express an opinion to Mario........we`re all wrong according to him!

I cant wait for his explanation, this will be a play on words of which the likes you have never seen & when broken down to get the meaning.....you`ll find none!!

Heres an idea... lets put mario in charge of policing the canopies of these redwoods, it will be his duty to pursue & apprehend anyone who disturbs the above ground eco systems of these organisms, he will have to obtain evidence to prove such though & introduce it in redwood tree court.

requirements for the job:

candidate should be in good physical condition with ability to climb tree(s)....oops, no need to go any further! you dont qualify Mario!:dizzy: you are the Arboriculture black eye............."jackwad"

Ekka, whens operation "black eye"? Ive got my bark girdling tools & eco system nullifier ready! send me in General!!

LXT is a funny guy :)

With all the mention of web pages, he brings to mind folks like, say, liberals who listen to conservative talk radio daily, or vice versa - conservatives listening daily to a liberal show.

You know who I mean? Folks who disagree on most issues with you, but stay tuned in anyway.

Nothing wrong with that either.

Thanks for visiting LXT.

You're beginning to make me feel like the BATMAN - lol - Why ...

Because he can take it :D

It sort of has to do with becoming immune to name calling in school, around 1965 and the next few years.
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Ekka, whens operation "black eye"? Ive got my bark girdling tools & eco system nullifier ready! send me in General!!


When the "fly Ekka to the PNW fund" has enough money for him to live on for 3 months.

Sorry, i just realized that this is a badmouth Mario thread. I'll go play somewhere else. Hey OD, start another thread that i can reply to!
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Ekka must have spent 1/2 an hour on that one. One thing he omitted, is that he never went to that discussion page to recommend any changes in THAT SPECIFIC sub-heading. Nor did any other editing contributor.

I think the best example to illustrate what Ekka is complaining about, would be voting.

Again you missed the points because your brain cant bend around things.

I mentioned the poor software and lack of alerts so unless you visit all the time you dont know what rubbish some-ones doing.

The second point you missed is YOU instigated that action, motivated by your poor personal attitude.

Third point you missed is that you now have put yourself into some psuedo position of authority calling shots at Wiki, hence me calling you WikiGod. Based on that is all the more reason people lose interest or care WTF is written in Wiki.

Imagine that, now you have to debate and answer to Mario's shots at Wiki. :dizzy: And the ladder lubber landscraper aint even a real arborist. :chainsaw:

Yep, Wiki's credibility just took a huge dive.

I wonder how much arguing and BS you've done to the Redwoods section, who you pissing off there?

Mario, you miss so many points it's a joke.​
However people here can see for themselves what you really are.... a boil that needs to be lanced.
LXT is a funny guy :)

With all the mention of web pages, he brings to mind folks like, say, liberals who listen to conservative talk radio daily, or vice versa - conservatives listening daily to a liberal show.

You know who I mean? Folks who disagree on most issues with you, but stay tuned in anyway.

Nothing wrong with that either.

Thanks for visiting LXT.

You're beginning to make me feel like the BATMAN - lol - Why ...
(^replace batman with jackwad)
Because he can take it :D

It sort of has to do with becoming immune to name calling in school, around 1965 and the next few years.

Whats sad is you think im being funny!! Im being truthful & am getting the Rep for it!! thanks guys.

I stay tuned in to help the less fortunate in knowing you hear the truth!

did you say Batman? right amount of syllables but wrong word: I believe you meant "you`re beginning to make me feel like a jackwad" see you just have a spelling problem, Ill help; see carrot above.

so people have been calling you names since 1965!! think about that & ask yourself why?

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