Addicted to ArboristSite
thanks bud.
you know me. deep and reflective.
you know me. deep and reflective.
Thanks, lxt...there will always be places we probably shouldnt go, no doubt!
Like I wrote about you a bit earlier Ekka - you are back at back at Arboristsite one more time for the better honey.
And off topic as I expected.
Come back for more honey again.
...he finds more honey here.
Ekka is sort of like a Ramora.
If you think climbing is what makes an arborist an arborist, then I would not hire you to work on my trees.
Eric - aka Ekka - just replied something pertaining to his competiing tree forum LINK being removed from Wikipedia.
He did not point out that ommissions or inclusions of links on the Wikipedia arborist page, was posted under it's own sub-heading in the DISCUSSION page. The links changes were thrown into the arena of suggestions for any contributor at Wikipedia to discuss.
Siince NO other editor / contributor wrote any other suggestion or objection, some links were culled. As you see, anybody had the opportunity to speak their mind.
In fact, it's been over 3 MONTHS for which feedback could have been added, and yet no objections to the suggested edit.
Does anyone still give two shakes for wikiwhatever?
Doesn't every John and Jane realize it is written by the other Jane or John?
No one I know relies on wiki for anything, it's a bust.
Speaking of images, Mario, you have shown us at least a couple of images of Ribes growing out of Redwoods.
Do you consider these photos to exhibit unusual or rare situations?
There is a good chance that there are more rare lichen growing on a mature Acer macrophylla than in the canopy of a Redwood forest.
Agree or disagree?
Only once have I seen a rare plant that grows in one geographical location. I mean like a few hundred acres or less. In southern Oregon, on the Lower Table Rock, and I think the Upper Table Rock, grows Dwarf Wooly Meadowfoam. Only up on top does it flower and grow in springtime, and nowhere else.
Ekka must have spent 1/2 an hour on that one. One thing he omitted, is that he never went to that discussion page to recommend any changes in THAT SPECIFIC sub-heading. Nor did any other editing contributor.
Thanks, lxt.
Hey jomoco what makes the $700 helmet cam so much better than the $200?
i'm all for hugging a tree worth hugging, and these big fellas are worth the squeeze but what? the tree next to this one a thousand years later wont be there?
cycle of life, no?
i'm not saying go in there and lay waste but if its an ecosystem that is a living thing then you know what? yup. there's gonna be another thousand year old tree some where down the line right next to the one thats either two thousand years old or fallen over from age and creating a nice spot for the next thousand year old tree to grow. as long as the sun is gonna shine and some water gets mixed in the tree is gonna grow.
climb the mofo if you got the balls.
hey jps. just cause i dont know all the big words in the tree world you gonna ignore every question i ask you? boots in another thread....you to good to answer a fellow tree WORKING man's questions?
But that sounds like a rather mean spirited, vindictive thing you did, not a service to the community. Do you want to explain your motives?
Ekka, whens operation "black eye"? Ive got my bark girdling tools & eco system nullifier ready! send me in General!!
Sorry, i just realized that this is a badmouth Mario thread.
Ekka must have spent 1/2 an hour on that one. One thing he omitted, is that he never went to that discussion page to recommend any changes in THAT SPECIFIC sub-heading. Nor did any other editing contributor.
I think the best example to illustrate what Ekka is complaining about, would be voting.
LXT is a funny guy![]()
With all the mention of web pages, he brings to mind folks like, say, liberals who listen to conservative talk radio daily, or vice versa - conservatives listening daily to a liberal show.
You know who I mean? Folks who disagree on most issues with you, but stay tuned in anyway.
Nothing wrong with that either.
Thanks for visiting LXT.
You're beginning to make me feel like the BATMAN - lol - Why ...
(^replace batman with jackwad)
Because he can take it![]()
It sort of has to do with becoming immune to name calling in school, around 1965 and the next few years.