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The Stihl MS441

(Stihl code name Vergeltungswaffe 1)


Price, plain and simple. A lot of guys know their employees will kill almost anything that you put in their hands in 2-3 seasons use. And HD stocking Echo's, guys will buy 6-10 new Echo trimmers, every season put it on their HD card, and not pay have to pay for it until next year. Or this is what a few local guys have told me. But they still walked out the door with an FS55 or two.

True, but the landscape contractor for my buildings is a very large national outfit...I believe they may have a purchasing "deal" w/Echo.

My BIL is a small landscaper, has gotten all of his OPE stolen...twice in the last 2 mo.
Joat, I am just repeating it long enough hoping that the big guys in Virginia Beach or Waiblingen will finally sent me a free hat, just to shut me up....hint, hint. :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

Va Beach has been notified of your dislike of the flippy cap. Some low life from northern Virginia called them,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

Oh I forgets, they told him well if he doesn't like flippy caps show him this,

Joat, I am just repeating it long enough hoping that the big guys in Virginia Beach or Waiblingen will finally sent me a free hat, just to shut me up....hint, hint. :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

Aw shucks. Get the smelling salts. Ole Tommy just passed out and hit the floor when you posted that.
Aw shucks. Get the smelling salts. Ole Tommy just passed out and hit the floor when you posted that.

I've recovered now Joat. I cannot believe Belgian said that word, oh my, of all the things he could have said he said that. Filling my garden hose full of sand and heading to the airport, HE'S GOTSA PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
I've recovered now Joat. I cannot believe Belgian said that word, oh my, of all the things he could have said he said that. Filling my garden hose full of sand and heading to the airport, HE'S GOTSA PAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!

Is that THE garden hose with the flippy cap on each end? Very easy to open, fill and close.
True, but the landscape contractor for my buildings is a very large national outfit...I believe they may have a purchasing "deal" w/Echo.

My BIL is a small landscaper, has gotten all of his OPE stolen...twice in the last 2 mo.

Echo sells DIRECT to landscapers just like Husqvarna does. But I don't think price is the only determining factor since out here Stihl is generally cheaper than Echo. Probably because Echo has California in their pocket.

I was reading a national sales chart on OPE for 2009 from Echo and they are leading in pretty much everything except chainsaws. So either Echo is lying, or Thall's source is lying. It doesnt matter to us, we will sell whatever sells. Be it dolmar echo stihl or husqvarna... money is money. Place I work at we sell mostly stihl chainsaws husqvarna lawnmowers and echo for the rest except a lot of people seem to like stihl 4 mix blowers. dolmar is the red headed step child.
Aw shucks. Get the smelling salts. Ole Tommy just passed out and hit the floor when you posted that.

Good....he had that one comin' LOLOLOL.

Next time I am sending him a nice husky calendar again, I'll make sure to include a well used cap of my own with a yellow post-it on it that says "cheapo champ" :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Joat, I am just repeating it long enough hoping that the big guys in Virginia Beach or Waiblingen will finally sent me a free hat, just to shut me up....hint, hint. :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

I'll send you a free hat if you cover the international shipping.
I'll send you a free hat if you cover the international shipping.

That's a mighty nice offer from you Blood, but to be honoust, I can get a Stihl hat probably easier over here.

I just like poking at a particular dealer in Leesburg who is walking evidence of the one and only true american business rule : money talks and bullshat walks ! :blob5:
That's a mighty nice offer from you Blood, but to be honoust, I can get a Stihl hat probably easier over here.

I just like poking at a particular dealer in Leesburg who is walking evidence of the one and only true american business rule : money talks and bullshat walks ! :blob5:

Hush you heathern, oh wait, money talks, bs walks, come on in ole chap, your my kinda man,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange: