I had an 031 coil but I think I already gave it to somebody. I'll look tomorrow, I have to go to the barn to root out some other stuff.
038 clutch cover? :msp_thumbsup:
I had an 031 coil but I think I already gave it to somebody. I'll look tomorrow, I have to go to the barn to root out some other stuff.
So anyway, still looking for a Stihl 031 coil for a points model. Ill take any others that work, does any one know what other models work? Swap? I have a few bucks and a wife up for trade.
I am in need of a couple of bar plates for a J-Red 2077 and a clutch cover for an 084 Stihl (as long as it's not broken and has both bosses for the spike, then I don't care about paint). I have lots and lots of saw parts and or green paper in exchange. Thanks for any help here.
Hah, We don't live in the city. My wife is a good ole (27) country girl. Keeps a good house, best mother to my two lil girls. I really wouldn't trade her for anything. She likes fourwheeling, fishing, shooting, snowmobiles, all the good stuff. Im pretty sure she was a daddies girl when younger, this girl can straight shoot. Iron sights too, she don't need no fancy scope.
Got an 036 parts/project saw. Picked it up from another member on here a year or two ago, never got to it. P/C look good, and it is substantially complete. Missing starter, some small bits, some carb linkage, but appears to be mostly all there. I took it out of the box, looked at it, and it sat ever since then. I can get pics of parts that interest/concern you or have a major bearing on your swapping offer.
Looking to trade for the following, straight-up or +/- cash:
ms200t parts saw or runner
044/440 parts saw or runner
6401-7900 family parts saw or runner
346 OE parts saw or runner
Parts saws should be substantially complete.
I would really like it off my bench. Still feelin' the Christmas spirit, so throw me an offer.
I would really like it off my bench. Still feelin' the Christmas spirit, so throw me an offer.
032 coil won't work on the 031.
Hey guys,
In need of a few more parts as I start down a couple more projects.
029/039 flywheel
012 40mm slug (long shot I know...)
024/026 slug and jug (maybe... need to get the muriatic acid out tomorrow to be sure not salvageable)
i have hard cold cash to spend and always have 009-012 parts on hand... I might have a complete 031 for trade too...
PM with details....