ArboristSite Lurker
Hi All, First Timer, First Pro Saw:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Long post but I hope it will eventually help other newbies too.
Thank you for all the free advice I have already read from everyone’s posts…. Feel free to hack and slash what I have to say I’m here to lean and won’t take it personal. I have much experience with welding, cars, 2-stroke engines (tools and motorcycles), and the general experience to regrind wood and steel drill bits correctly the first time by hand. I see being called a redneck a badge of honor because they make the best crazy drinking buddies.
Spent most of my spare time over the last 2 weeks learning all the things I really need to know to effectively/efficiently operate my first pro saw a used MS660. I wanted twice the power of my trusty old j3816 john deere (2.3hp) with a MS440 but I got a good deal on the 660. I will have a sharp learning curve with three times the power. The 660 came with a 32” B/C which I immediately changed out for a 20” B/C. When I’m comfortable with the 20” and need the 32” I plan on using it. I’ve got some questions at the bottom but did I leave anything important out or misunderstand things learned?
Before anyone starts in on the obvious - Yes the j3816 (Homelite) is a low quality saw… as bad as I treated it the first few YEARS it still starts right up easy and does what it was originally designed to do. It has about 90 cords of use with many VERY SLOW full 16” depth cuts
Good bookmarks and specific learned knowledge from
• Stihl MS391, my first saw, help me accessorize it (Great first timer advice)
• The Lonely Island - **** In My Pants (LOL tears in the eyes):hmm3grin2orange:
o The Lonely Island - **** In My Pants - YouTube
• A Tale of Three Saws (Very long read but worth it - realized I will probably only polish the ports, change air filter, mod muffler, and tune up. Everything else isn't cost/time efficient for more power)
• Woods Porting The MS660......Tricks And Tips
• NWP piston for 066
• A word about splitting large firewood rounds by hand (Purchased fiskar X27 and 90deg twist wedge)
Other ‘New’ Knowledge gained (from numerous posts and other sites):
• Wow moment - Damit :msp_mad: never realized how much a small amount dirt would affect blade sharpness. Only use to look out for rocks or nails in the bark.
• Chaps are a necessity for my pro saw upgrade especially with a 32” bar… So I bought a pair of chaps
• If you have the money, nothing Stihl sells is poor quality or bad (bar lube, 2-stroke oil, guide bars, chains, chainsaws, and accessories). As a non-professional (low quantity) I will just buy Stihl, take the guess work out of part manufactures, and spend the extra 20% to 50%.
• Northern tool chain grinder is good enough (practice on a crap chain first)… So I bought one… Make sure the rake is lowered ‘proportionally’ to the tooth cut back or you won’t cut deep enough
• I will keep hand filing my chains also because even pro woodsmen use hand files to touch up
• Safety chains aren’t really safer AT ALL if you don’t know how to use a chainsaw (as you all would say “Al Gore BS”)
• Plunge cuts aren’t much more difficult with a full chisel chain compared to a safety chain
• Try HARD to find a good repair shop because certifications don’t mean diddly squat when it comes to quality workmanship
• Ignition upgrades on an unmodified chainsaw are just as useless as on an unmodified car
Downloaded or Compiled Documents:
• bar oil.txt
• chain.txt
• Estimating Leaning Tree Failures.pdf
• How to Use Felling Wedges.docx (bigger saw=felling bigger trees = more danger/damage)
• Husqvarna OEM Chainsaw Bars.docx
• j3816 john deere chain saw operator manual.pdf
• j3816 john deere chain saw.txt
• northern tool chain grinder.pdf
• OREGON Maintenance and Safety Manual.pdf
• short list of handy accessories (Whitespider).docx
• Stihl 660 Chainsaw.docx
• Stihl 660 Chainsaw.pdf
• Stihl Chain Saw Safety Manual.pdf
• Stihl Saw Chain (and Bar) Selection & Identification.pdf
1. For a non-professional are there any significant functional difference between chain gauges of 0.050 and 0.063?
2. Is there any significant cutting speed increase by upgrading from a 3/8 to a 0.404 chain pitch?
3. Is this correct? Long term (+3 months) chainsaw storage is just:
a. Standard Cleaning
b. Fuel - Pour out until the fuel tank empty and run saw until stops on its own
c. Bar lube – Fill reservoir to top
d. B/C – Spray with WD-40
4. When I take any engine out of storage I always use new gas and spray WD-40 in the spark plug hole(s) before first start up… Is there anything else to do with a chainsaw before first start up?
5. Blocking is just the act of sawing a trunk into firewood length sections which then need splitting?
6. Why the hell is the EPA concerned with chainsaw efficiency? A 100 long hall truckers probably put out more harmfully emissions in a year than all the chainsaws in the lower 48 combined!!!! Is that an Al Gore era thing too?
Long post but I hope it will eventually help other newbies too.
Thank you for all the free advice I have already read from everyone’s posts…. Feel free to hack and slash what I have to say I’m here to lean and won’t take it personal. I have much experience with welding, cars, 2-stroke engines (tools and motorcycles), and the general experience to regrind wood and steel drill bits correctly the first time by hand. I see being called a redneck a badge of honor because they make the best crazy drinking buddies.

Spent most of my spare time over the last 2 weeks learning all the things I really need to know to effectively/efficiently operate my first pro saw a used MS660. I wanted twice the power of my trusty old j3816 john deere (2.3hp) with a MS440 but I got a good deal on the 660. I will have a sharp learning curve with three times the power. The 660 came with a 32” B/C which I immediately changed out for a 20” B/C. When I’m comfortable with the 20” and need the 32” I plan on using it. I’ve got some questions at the bottom but did I leave anything important out or misunderstand things learned?
Before anyone starts in on the obvious - Yes the j3816 (Homelite) is a low quality saw… as bad as I treated it the first few YEARS it still starts right up easy and does what it was originally designed to do. It has about 90 cords of use with many VERY SLOW full 16” depth cuts
Good bookmarks and specific learned knowledge from
• Stihl MS391, my first saw, help me accessorize it (Great first timer advice)
• The Lonely Island - **** In My Pants (LOL tears in the eyes):hmm3grin2orange:
o The Lonely Island - **** In My Pants - YouTube
• A Tale of Three Saws (Very long read but worth it - realized I will probably only polish the ports, change air filter, mod muffler, and tune up. Everything else isn't cost/time efficient for more power)
• Woods Porting The MS660......Tricks And Tips
• NWP piston for 066
• A word about splitting large firewood rounds by hand (Purchased fiskar X27 and 90deg twist wedge)
Other ‘New’ Knowledge gained (from numerous posts and other sites):
• Wow moment - Damit :msp_mad: never realized how much a small amount dirt would affect blade sharpness. Only use to look out for rocks or nails in the bark.
• Chaps are a necessity for my pro saw upgrade especially with a 32” bar… So I bought a pair of chaps
• If you have the money, nothing Stihl sells is poor quality or bad (bar lube, 2-stroke oil, guide bars, chains, chainsaws, and accessories). As a non-professional (low quantity) I will just buy Stihl, take the guess work out of part manufactures, and spend the extra 20% to 50%.
• Northern tool chain grinder is good enough (practice on a crap chain first)… So I bought one… Make sure the rake is lowered ‘proportionally’ to the tooth cut back or you won’t cut deep enough
• I will keep hand filing my chains also because even pro woodsmen use hand files to touch up
• Safety chains aren’t really safer AT ALL if you don’t know how to use a chainsaw (as you all would say “Al Gore BS”)
• Plunge cuts aren’t much more difficult with a full chisel chain compared to a safety chain
• Try HARD to find a good repair shop because certifications don’t mean diddly squat when it comes to quality workmanship
• Ignition upgrades on an unmodified chainsaw are just as useless as on an unmodified car
Downloaded or Compiled Documents:
• bar oil.txt
• chain.txt
• Estimating Leaning Tree Failures.pdf
• How to Use Felling Wedges.docx (bigger saw=felling bigger trees = more danger/damage)
• Husqvarna OEM Chainsaw Bars.docx
• j3816 john deere chain saw operator manual.pdf
• j3816 john deere chain saw.txt
• northern tool chain grinder.pdf
• OREGON Maintenance and Safety Manual.pdf
• short list of handy accessories (Whitespider).docx
• Stihl 660 Chainsaw.docx
• Stihl 660 Chainsaw.pdf
• Stihl Chain Saw Safety Manual.pdf
• Stihl Saw Chain (and Bar) Selection & Identification.pdf
1. For a non-professional are there any significant functional difference between chain gauges of 0.050 and 0.063?
2. Is there any significant cutting speed increase by upgrading from a 3/8 to a 0.404 chain pitch?
3. Is this correct? Long term (+3 months) chainsaw storage is just:
a. Standard Cleaning
b. Fuel - Pour out until the fuel tank empty and run saw until stops on its own
c. Bar lube – Fill reservoir to top
d. B/C – Spray with WD-40
4. When I take any engine out of storage I always use new gas and spray WD-40 in the spark plug hole(s) before first start up… Is there anything else to do with a chainsaw before first start up?
5. Blocking is just the act of sawing a trunk into firewood length sections which then need splitting?
6. Why the hell is the EPA concerned with chainsaw efficiency? A 100 long hall truckers probably put out more harmfully emissions in a year than all the chainsaws in the lower 48 combined!!!! Is that an Al Gore era thing too?