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Makes two of us my friend. Sorry gang, whats up, and whats the word, good to see you all!boy, i've been out of the loop
Makes two of us my friend. Sorry gang, whats up, and whats the word, good to see you all!boy, i've been out of the loop
Makes two of us my friend. Sorry gang, whats up, and whats the word, good to see you all!
Is it this weekend?
Is it this weekend?
I wish Cody could make it but this is "supposed" to be a big drill weekend. They are going to take their armored heavy equipment and work over a live range area after EOD sweeps it. The Marine Reserves have big changes going on. He may have a new MOS forced on him in the near future or at least a change in where his unit meets. Like it will move from Cali to Warshington state.
Don't they know not to move here????
Don't they know not to move here????
I have two six month old cats who were racing around the house and jumped on the screen of my laptop and bent it backwards breaking it. I didn't know this GTG was happening till today when Gologit asked me if I was coming up. (Been on AS using the iphone). So...yep I will be there. Cody has drill that weekend so he won't be there.
I'll bring my climbing gear but my knees are too shot to climb these days. I will bring a truckload of other gear like ropes, cable, blocks, etc. My truck also has a (small) winch.
I will come up Friday and camp and leave Saturday night or Sunday morning.
Thanks Bob for letting me know about this.
Is Ranger Sandy going to save us some camping spots? We're bringing our trailer and so is Slowp. Don't know about the rest of the guys.
i'm dragin the cargo trailer, so that's three.
Second saw=pack mule/grunt
On that subject, haven't heard much from Aaron today.
Glad to hear you're coming Bill. Would have liked to see Cody. Also glad that Bob called you. I was operating under the assumption that you and others were getting notifications of replies to this thread (and therefore would see what's shaking here). Should know better than to make assumptions....:bang:
I'll call Bruce tomorrow if he doesn't post up here before then. The park isn't exactly busy right now, so it shouldn't be a problem providing spaces for you folks.
Sir here I am Sir! Been in the shop filing chains and such.....and then watching the 49'ers lose. I'll be second saw for you. Pack mule/wedge beater/grunt/saw tuner/timely photojournalist I can handle.![]()
Once Cody finds out the sun never shines in Warshington he'll probably transfer to the Army. Or Join the Mexican Army. He's a warm weather boy. BTW he turned 20 two days ago.
Well, if he went to the Army, at least they send a big old blue school bus of their people to go skiing here.
Unfortunately, they do that on a weekday and that is a faux pas in my book. But most of them are not good boarders or skiers so stay on the little chair, which also costs less.
Are they going to start up a Marine base? Our state doesn't have any. We do have Whidbey Island NAS and a sub base. No Marine places unless it is super secret.
The Army shares with the Air Force on the Wet side of the state. Maybe the Marines will share too, and do their training in the desert just north of Yakima. That's where the Army goes to practice. It is a hot place in the summer. It is chilly and dreary, in a dry way in the winter.
What General is making this decision? Perhaps I should give him a call and tell him the rules.
Many bases are shared these days. Cody's unit is HQed at Ft Lewis so that is where the 4th LSB (or CSB) may end up.
Yes please call the Comandant of the Marine Corp and tell him Cody's dad doesn't Fizz Rig. He'll know what you mean.
OK, Old Sparkless is going to need some help. I couldn't get the cover off to take the bar off. It seems to be stuck. Old Sparkless is loaded in the pickup, bar and all along with the Barbie Saw.
A project!
If Cody has to stay at Ft. Lewis, the skiing is very good here, and we won't make comments about California if we run into him up there.
Tell him to look at the map of the White Pass ski area. it is That's where the blue bus goes. It looks like a very uncomfortable bus too.
There will be at least two pretty good saw mechanics at N/B. They'll fix it for you. I have an 032 in pieces...want me to bring the clutch cover over?
There will be at least two pretty good saw mechanics at N/B. They'll fix it for you. I have an 032 in pieces...want me to bring the clutch cover over?