time to make siding for the chicken coupe!
Fancy lookin diggs for a coup why reside ???
Better lookin than Jimmy's or John's , heck , you could use that one for an inlaw suite .
time to make siding for the chicken coupe!
Is it daylight yet ??
Fog , lotsa fog , can't see past 60 yards in some spots , need headlights .
Just found a tic on me. That makes #39 found in the house this year ! Put that flea & tic stuff on all the cats every month ! Seems they don't bite them,just hang on for a ride !
Dang Flap Jack let him buy a Ferd ! :msp_unsure:
Morning gents. Pot of coffee on, time to whip up some waffles for the crew. Sister decided to stay another night so we will have all afternoon with her again! Pretty excited. Out of my two sisters I'm deffinetly closer to Liz so its always nice to see her.
I'm sorry..I didn't know! I figured he was good for a few weeks unattended after buying a house and picking up project saws....I guessed wrong.