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I sold four jobs this morning and met with my marketing guy on my website. Its a rain day and going to get 4-6" of snow tonight. Just had a meatball sub and having a few beers.
First day out with my new tractor walking my old Dingo's beat. Its a little diferent, nice to sit down... if the seat is not wet. Had it on one of my hilly client's property hauling stumps from 20 inch diameter trees up and through tight passages. Not the strongest in the world but it hauled up the steep driveway no problem. The type of wet steep driveway that will cause a full sized tracked bobcat to slip, go sideways and flip. And the tires only chewed up where there was no grass. I told the client I aerated for him, now all he needs to do is toss seed and lightly rake it in. I told the client that because its true.

I was a - yanking broken branches out of trees , digging out uprooted stumps and dragging 40 foot conifers down the drive. I didn't feel like backing the chipper up this one today though my first job I did a full frontal push with my chipper up another drive that had NASTY written all over it. I just used the dump truck for that as that is all I have right now that has a pintle on the front. I don't know who could back into these drives, I am sure there is somebody that could but not with my truck. Its to stubborn and old to be doing that kind of work. I am one who can't back up in a straight line for more than 15 feet without my clutch leg hurting and my arms getting exhausted.

Anyway, the little tractor is cute and worthy though it needs lube. A crew of Amish roofers ( who start around 6 am and work all day ) were impressed. They come down here from Lancaster. The tractor is a New Holland which always makes me think of the Amish and they always makes me think of chicken ******* and cow raping. You know they do it. I mean, wouldn't you? If you were them that is.

Ahh but I can outwork the Amish or I wouldn't make fun of them. And I was glad to lift the engine cover and see a tight little Japanese diesel motor in there. Its nice to have civility in an uncivilized world. Don't believe me? Ask them Amish then.

I had stoner surfer dude along looking at his fingernails and outerspace today. Around 2 I finally chased him off being tired of telling him what I have already told him again and again. All he had to do is run up and down the steep wet driveway and keep up with me while I drove the tractor. No, I am serious about the guy staring at his nails and off into space and not able to remember to chock the truck first thing and bothering me about things that don't pertain to operating equipment on steep hills. And he was begging me , " Oh I'll work, I'll work", he says.

Why he came over to my house yesterday morning trying to get me to go out in the cold rain to go TD a ripped up, cabled up and split up elm over the road. He doesn't know why I won't do a job like that with him. But he is broke and will try anything even if it kills me.

Instead he pulled his truck into my garage to change his motor's oil. Good thing I had 5 quarts of trans fluid cause that is what he drained and when I told him he drained the transmission, not the motor oil. It was an argument but I did figure out what was wrong with his transmission. He had been draining that and filling the motor. I pulled the motor dipstick, it was ALL the way up, nothing in trans. At testament for a Toyota Tundra with 200k on it, and it even runs very well! Smells like incense and pot. I hate the smell of incense.

And he is arguing with me, like I am wrong. Its not like the kid (31) doesn't know me. You guys know me. Have I ever been wrong? And he knows that when I don't know I look it up so then I know. He also knows that when people try to feed me ******** I cram it back down their throats just as fast as I can look up the transmission fluid specification of a Toyota Tundra so why he would think to try with me is beyond belief.

This job with the elm is actually one of his clients he cuts the grass for. I don't need this job, its actually preventing me from doing my work. He needs money so he wants to get it done and he thinks he is going to make a lot of money on it. I told him I would give him 5% finders fee plus 50 bucks for a half day labor, 100 bucks for full. He thinks he is worth more; But does he have insurance? Can he run a saw? Does he know anything besides what his fingernails look like? Is he running around making sure everything is taken care of?

So he showed me the job and asked me to do it and write it up. Sure, I guess. 3500 or something like that. A few big trees and stump work. He tells me that he will get his Mexicans to move the logs. Well, I don't know how cause I ain't cutting em that small. He wants a bigger cut of that 3500. I don't blame him, I do to!

We had to set up cones, block lanes, direct traffic. And he is arguing with me about how to set the cones up.

And its my name on the proposal which he dropped off and collected 1000 bucks on before I even started the job. I never had anything like that happen before. I have to talk with the client about who is running things. The kid begged me to require a deposit so I could give him some money quick so I wrote it into the proposal. I was thinking the client would look it over and call me to discuss which at that point I would have said that I would like some money after we put some time into the job. He is over there talking like he is the one to talk to.

Like I said, this is something I never let happen before. I know I would never try what he did. I have known the kid a number of years and have told him how I roll, he knows how I roll. He has first hand experience watching me handle clients that would send him running to his mommy plus all the other fun stuff there is to handle. I don't know where he would get the idea that I am going to play games but he does get those ideas.

Anyway, it up early for me again tomorrow as I limp my Power Wagon back to the dealership. They popped a starter in it and did some recall that involved an outer tie rod last week and I guess they are going to have to do it again. When your car is under warranty is actually more of a pain to have fixed. I am going to bring a board with a nail in it for the happy ass kissing galoot and Enterprise car rentals. Just to much happy, to much ass kissing, to much galoot for me to endure again already. They called both phones twice to ask if I was satisfied with their car rental service, I told them I had set my expectations low so I wouldn't be disappointed and that I was going to have them charged with harassment if they didn't stop badgering me.

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Did my first offical EAB removal. No bug, just preventive. Coming back to plant new tree.

Working with local paper, doing a add on their website. You would think, being a paper and all, that they could spell and have some sort of creativity. Nope, dude doing the add is a tool. Shows me what he has done, all wrong, changing verbiage to "sound cooler". Spells Emerald with a A....Amerald Ash Borer, must be a new one. Chit is frustrating and why I don't do much that I don't have full control of.
Last fall got a serious leak 200hp eng. in my Vermeer chipper in a spot hard to get to. I take it to Cummins dealer. Needs a water pump etc. $925 beans. Couple of months later it is overheating and needs coolant. I fill and it runs out. Look at the block and freeze out plug is out and laying on frame. Look at other noticeable plugs and all are heaved out from eng. block.

I replace plug bought at Cummins. They tell me to put it in backwards and with sealant. Another guy says the correct way and no sealant. After replacing and starting it leaks higher up. I call Cummins and tell them I am bringing it in. They say I need $850. of repairs.

I say you obviously put in water (even says it on their receipt I did not notice last fall) and not coolant last fall. Otherwise why would freeze out plug kick out. Later the service manager and plant manager says they have a policy of putting whatever fluid comes in the engine back in. I say fine and that would be your only "out". Plant mgr. says he is not looking for an "out".

I say that won't work as the unit came in last fall with NO fluid in it as the water pump blew and a hose and that blows your "get out of it theory". He concedes. I also point out that last fall when I picked up my chipper and drove it back to my property 45 mins. I got a call and one of your dumb ascs mechanics says I have to bring it back as he "forgot to finish something". Arrrgh...they are kissing my ascs all over the place from embarassment.

Last fall I had $2,000 of saws stolen from my pickup in the driveway right under my bedroom window in my upper middleclass n'borhood. Not covered and was covered before when it happened.

About 2 months ago I hit my BMW with my pick up going out the drive in the dark in a deep fog. Not covered. Last month had my $4500. dump trailer stolen from my secured lot and crashed into a truck while stealing it. Not covered as she said it was not listed by me. I said I listed it...my word against hers.

So yesterday I am meeting with another insurance company in my home who has been pursuing me for 2 years now. He says my BMW hit by my company truck should have been covered 100% with no deductable. He says his policy would have covered the dump trailer and the stuff stolen from my pick up last fall.

So I go looking for the email address of the current ins. company to try to get them to cover the car damage and what do I find....I find the email that I sent to current company telling them to list the dump trailer that was stolen and also my new STX38 $25k stump grinder which they did not have listed either.

This schit is exhausting. Incompetence everywhere. That took all day yesterday and today I will have to battle the faxed info with the insur. company I sent last night and battle with the chipper repair place to get finished and what they may try to bill me for. They said I had a damaged fan blade, had to be special ordered and freighted or it would run out of balance. They could have took it out and stomped on it for all I know.
Last fall got a serious leak 200hp eng. in my Vermeer chipper in a spot hard to get to. I take it to Cummins dealer. Needs a water pump etc. $925 beans. Couple of months later it is overheating and needs coolant. I fill and it runs out. Look at the block and freeze out plug is out and laying on frame. Look at other noticeable plugs and all are heaved out from eng. block.

I replace plug bought at Cummins. They tell me to put it in backwards and with sealant. Another guy says the correct way and no sealant. After replacing and starting it leaks higher up. I call Cummins and tell them I am bringing it in. They say I need $850. of repairs.

I say you obviously put in water (even says it on their receipt I did not notice last fall) and not coolant last fall. Otherwise why would freeze out plug kick out. Later the service manager and plant manager says they have a policy of putting whatever fluid comes in the engine back in. I say fine and that would be your only "out". Plant mgr. says he is not looking for an "out".

I say that won't work as the unit came in last fall with NO fluid in it as the water pump blew and a hose and that blows your "get out of it theory". He concedes. I also point out that last fall when I picked up my chipper and drove it back to my property 45 mins. I got a call and one of your dumb ascs mechanics says I have to bring it back as he "forgot to finish something". Arrrgh...they are kissing my ascs all over the place from embarassment.

Last fall I had $2,000 of saws stolen from my pickup in the driveway right under my bedroom window in my upper middleclass n'borhood. Not covered and was covered before when it happened.

About 2 months ago I hit my BMW with my pick up going out the drive in the dark in a deep fog. Not covered. Last month had my $4500. dump trailer stolen from my secured lot and crashed into a truck while stealing it. Not covered as she said it was not listed by me. I said I listed it...my word against hers.

So yesterday I am meeting with another insurance company in my home who has been pursuing me for 2 years now. He says my BMW hit by my company truck should have been covered 100% with no deductable. He says his policy would have covered the dump trailer and the stuff stolen from my pick up last fall.

So I go looking for the email address of the current ins. company to try to get them to cover the car damage and what do I find....I find the email that I sent to current company telling them to list the dump trailer that was stolen and also my new STX38 $25k stump grinder which they did not have listed either.

This schit is exhausting. Incompetence everywhere. That took all day yesterday and today I will have to battle the faxed info with the insur. company I sent last night and battle with the chipper repair place to get finished and what they may try to bill me for. They said I had a damaged fan blade, had to be special ordered and freighted or it would run out of balance. They could have took it out and stomped on it for all I know.

Its policy to put whatever fluid that came out back in?

Its sounds to me that if you killed the guy you would have a case of self defense.

I am sad to say that I know how and why all this idealogical subversion is so mainstream. That's why I am so mean and have to pay fines to stay out of jail. Its getting hard for me to even go outside anymore.
Its policy to put whatever fluid that came out back in?

Its sounds to me that if you killed the guy you would have a case of self defense.

I am sad to say that I know how and why all this idealogical subversion is so mainstream. That's why I am so mean and have to pay fines to stay out of jail. Its getting hard for me to even go outside anymore.
Last fall got a serious leak 200hp eng. in my Vermeer chipper in a spot hard to get to. I take it to Cummins dealer. Needs a water pump etc. $925 beans. Couple of months later it is overheating and needs coolant. I fill and it runs out. Look at the block and freeze out plug is out and laying on frame. Look at other noticeable plugs and all are heaved out from eng. block.

I replace plug bought at Cummins. They tell me to put it in backwards and with sealant. Another guy says the correct way and no sealant. After replacing and starting it leaks higher up. I call Cummins and tell them I am bringing it in. They say I need $850. of repairs.

I say you obviously put in water (even says it on their receipt I did not notice last fall) and not coolant last fall. Otherwise why would freeze out plug kick out. Later the service manager and plant manager says they have a policy of putting whatever fluid comes in the engine back in. I say fine and that would be your only "out". Plant mgr. says he is not looking for an "out".

I say that won't work as the unit came in last fall with NO fluid in it as the water pump blew and a hose and that blows your "get out of it theory". He concedes. I also point out that last fall when I picked up my chipper and drove it back to my property 45 mins. I got a call and one of your dumb ascs mechanics says I have to bring it back as he "forgot to finish something". Arrrgh...they are kissing my ascs all over the place from embarassment.

Last fall I had $2,000 of saws stolen from my pickup in the driveway right under my bedroom window in my upper middleclass n'borhood. Not covered and was covered before when it happened.

About 2 months ago I hit my BMW with my pick up going out the drive in the dark in a deep fog. Not covered. Last month had my $4500. dump trailer stolen from my secured lot and crashed into a truck while stealing it. Not covered as she said it was not listed by me. I said I listed it...my word against hers.

So yesterday I am meeting with another insurance company in my home who has been pursuing me for 2 years now. He says my BMW hit by my company truck should have been covered 100% with no deductable. He says his policy would have covered the dump trailer and the stuff stolen from my pick up last fall.

So I go looking for the email address of the current ins. company to try to get them to cover the car damage and what do I find....I find the email that I sent to current company telling them to list the dump trailer that was stolen and also my new STX38 $25k stump grinder which they did not have listed either.

This schit is exhausting. Incompetence everywhere. That took all day yesterday and today I will have to battle the faxed info with the insur. company I sent last night and battle with the chipper repair place to get finished and what they may try to bill me for. They said I had a damaged fan blade, had to be special ordered and freighted or it would run out of balance. They could have took it out and stomped on it for all I know.
It sucks! people don't want to pay for there screw ups. I am currently have two issue with bandit about a bad paint problem on my engine cover and a recurring hydraulic problem. I had to fight with them finally about the paint and they finally said they'd send me new parts. The hydraulic issue is getting no response. I am losing my faith in this company very quickly, might have to go with a different brand chipper if this keeps up.
Its policy to put whatever fluid that came out back in?

Its sounds to me that if you killed the guy you would have a case of self defense.

I am sad to say that I know how and why all this idealogical subversion is so mainstream. That's why I am so mean and have to pay fines to stay out of jail. Its getting hard for me to even go outside anymore.

Been saying that for years. Welcome to the dark side.
It gets pretty hard to deal with some people, that is for sure. You give someone your best effort, but when you are on the receiving side, the service sucks. My add was up just for a few hours, but still long enough for peeps to see it. Had a call from a client, who is a botanist, giving me a hard time about the Amerald Ash Borer. "So, how do u deal with AAB Scott" Loud roaring laugh in my ear.

I just got off the phone with the paper,they called, told them wazzup, getting a new account manager, waiting on the call.

Was going out to do a prune, gusting to 40 mph, screw it. Was also going to go take the QAL test, but I have been bad and have not studied enough. Now I iz board, to noisy to study now. What to do ................

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