the all aussie dribble thread!

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You told me that your later builds are over 100HP and Cutty Cutty Long Time was the only chain up to the task of such awesomeness.

bloody hell Matt, carefull of what you say online,,,,,, I will again be accused for cheating by using Chinese cheater parts. (almost like they ''the Chinese'') make cheater parts especially to make saws go faster and break the rules)
I noticed a couple of blank posts, no doubt my recent fail last weekend was noticed and commented on.
Do you mean that Neil's shoulder needs tightening?

ha ha, well what can I say, na never mind.
Fact is in our sport, everyone has a fail now and then, we do that much in the arena its to be expected.
Here is another final same day but in O100cc unlimited, the result is evident.

More playing done this weekend as well, and so it goes.
Noooo silly, Matt won't allow me to have one of those,,,,, whose got Matts video which proves he won't let me have one.

I gave Will a couple. He's now cleaning up the Open Modified class with a stock MS170. He did run an MS171 for a while but was blitzing the opposition by that much there were too many complaints.
Darren I think your part right but I know that the fluted barrels will dissipate heat better,they have more surface area to doit with,they will still get hot to touch but it will be less than a bull barrel over the same time ,if that makes sence
The Ultra Mags are getting stupid and are generally reserved for people with more money than brains :) You sometimes have to be wary about barrel life claims too as a lot of these are made by benchrest shooters who say a barrel is worn out the second accuracy starts to drop by even a millimeter.
I love accuracy as much as the next bloke but I'm not binning a $1000 barrel just because it's gone from 1/2 MOA to 3/4 MOA.
If I miss any long range shots it's mainly because I get the bullet drop or windage wrong.
funny that cause most the BRshooters I have come across in the past seem to blow their own horn,talk loud enough so other people can hear their schit and for some reason have all been fairly large unhealthy looking persons(slobs),I can say from experience that my 223rem has got nearly 5000 rounds on it and it shoots constistantly sub MOA out to 300 yards,thats a head shot any day
Well when ya bum's that close to the ground you don't need to worry about toilet paper right Neil ?
Give up bob ,he's not listening
funny that cause most the BRshooters I have come across in the past seem to blow their own horn,talk loud enough so other people can hear their schit and for some reason have all been fairly large unhealthy looking persons(slobs),I can say from experience that my 223rem has got nearly 5000 rounds on it and it shoots constistantly sub MOA out to 300 yards,thats a head shot any day

There are some really good BR shooters around but hard to find. I remember a comment by Brendan Atkinson at the Para range in Adelaide when I mentioned idiots at rifle ranges.
His comment was "Yep. There are two things in life guaranteed to attract d*ckheads. Rifle ranges and football clubs".
all the members at our club are decent country folk ,all depends on range location ....the closer the range is to a city the the more idiots you'll find

That's true. The SARA range where I am are all good guys. The nearby SSAA range in the late 90's was full of idiots. All the good guys from there are now at the SARA range.
Dug a couple of saws out for some happy snaps and to prove I don't own just quality saws I have a crap one too.

The o7 it needs a good tidy up


The 65 I'm not 100% but it may be the only 65 in the country
