So, I've been busy off an on inside my small make shift bedroom shop. I have a super cool gf that puts up with the occasional planer chips that track off into the living room now and than from foot traffic! My dust collection system is a shop vac, a dust pan, and garbage bags! LOL, so not a fancy shop here. She also puts up with the noise while watching her netflix shows on computer, says noise doesn't bother her or it's not that bad along with ear buds when it does get noisy.
So my previous projects were a canning jar bookcase for a large project and other small ones I tried to post here. I did build a book case for her sister and never got pics. I just finished one for my gf out of pine and cherry. Not a combination found much, I don't have any large clamps for glue ups nor did I want to use a lot of cherry for this project, I also liked that accent look of the dark and light mix normally found with walnut and maple, but in my stock pile I have 2/3 pine and 1/3 cherry and poplar that has too much character for this project.
So I used some nice pine, shelves aren't perfect with some streaking on one or two but books will cover this. I used a router and straight edge to joint and did best I could with my planer taking light cuts to get out any cupping. It's amazing how close I can get a board flat. It's not the cupping, but any twists along length that is reluctant to come out and that was present in the uprights. So not perfect, but I'm still learning and have a limited shop.
I dadoed with my chop saw, cleaned up with router. This time used ratchet straps to glue and hold the basic assembly straight. I had brad nailed previous bookcases to hold while glue dries. I dressed shelves with cherry on front to beef up shelves and dress up along with cherry on sides. Simple and easy, looks ok and functional so she's happy! I wanted to make some crown molding on table saw for this, but she seamed not to like the look. Was going with a flat piece with two 45s ripped on edge as I have no shaper to profile anything.
I sealed it with 3 coats of a linseed/varnish/mineral spirits thinned wipe on finish I made instead of buying a danish or teak oil. Very nice mix, finished with some furniture wax. I can't wait to see cherry darken, although I also like it the way it was and wasn't afraid to show a bit of sap wood. Kinda rustic cherry to go with knotty eastern pine.
My only fear is my shelves will one day fall out of one of these book cases I build. I'm not sure of how to do a floating design other than shelf pins or nailing only front of a shelf while keeping whole base together. Time will tell, I sealed it up nicely and keep board lengths on shorter/narrower side. People talk of nice furniture self destructing.
Also I made a bandsaw box, these I'm going to make and sell in order to fund more tools and unfortunatly bills. The economy has been rough around here.
Bandsaw boxes are my new thing, I'm getting tired of bookcases,

The bandsaw box stressed my lil 9" Delta even with the 1/8" blade but not bad. Main issue is I can't get the depth of box to a good size as I run out of height on the saw. So now, I had thought a jointer was my next tool but maybe a 14" band saw! I am probably going to try cutting the back seperatly so I can saw a deep drawer. Not sure, can only do so much before it's not an actual bandsaw box. I cut it on table saw which was bit scary but not bad using push sticks and keep blade about half deep through box. No OSS in my shop so hand sanding! Lot of work for something so simple, best part I only used about a 3' board and these things are plenty of fun.