Shame to hear that guys, that is terrible.
Our lingering smoke is down 90 percent overnight and it's a beautiful 57 degrees this morning. If I didn't have a couple of meetings today I would have taken the day off. Would have been a great one to scrounge with a high of only 70. Was 87 on Sunday.
Good attitude Nomad, but there are may ways to look at it. As you say, life is short, I would get a pro saw (better power/wt) and make the 271 my back up saw. 044 #1 is over 20 years old. I remember not wanting to pay that much for a saw, but now, I don't even remember what I paid for it, and it has held up so well it does not really matter.
I'm not saying my view is right and yours is wrong, just another way of looking at it.
The other thing that has kept me all Stihl (in addition to the saws giving me no reason to change) is I can put any bar & chain on any saw, they all interchange. I like that simplicity. One extra B&C can be used as a backup on any of them.
If all you want is a backup to free a stuck saw, take a hard look at manual saws. They are not very exciting but on a one saw plan like mine they become a way to free a stuck saw.A ms 241 sounds nice but I have no need to drop $550 on the backup saw. I just cant rationalize that. If I go stihl and new I would end up with a ms251 homeowner special since it is the backup saw and would get it done for $340 or less new. As much as I want a pro saw I really dont need one. I probably wont wear out the MS271 I have now. Right now I am looking for the best deal in the 40cc range that I can find on a used one. In my area if it is orange and says Stihl on it people think they have gold. CL ad for MS 170 for more than new price. People asking 175 for a 199 poulan pro 35cc. If they can get it great but it wont be from me.
To be fair I was a stihl fan boy but now I am equal opportunity. I have no problem with echo, that little baby saw I got last week has put a smile on my face and kept my back from aching on the little stuff. I think I need to find a husky to play with next. Life's to short to not try them all.