My friends young fella wants to make some extra funds and loves all things mechanical , loves to run the tractor and saws so my friend asked if I'd lend a helping hand .
Here's the start of the venture .
The first of three loads .
Why post bought wood in the scrounging thread ?
Well let me tell you that I've been scrounging for a few months now to be able to get "In" with the guys that are cutting and have wood , not as many guys up here as 5 years ago .
The fella I got this from told me that he's sold 1500 cord so far this year and his phone is still ringing from people further away than me .
I'm happy to say that I'm finally "In" but it was a lot of work to get it at a price that a fella could make the numbers work and not get yanked around , I pay my trucker as he delivers , pay for the wood at the end of the third load that way the contractor knows I'm happy with the loads .