Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Can you run a cable or chain under the trunk, then back over the top to 'parbuckle' roll the log back away from the hill, instead of just trying to drag it with brute force?


I have thought about that type of system. have loaded pretty big stuff that way onto a trailer with two guys. the problem is I don't think my bull rope is quite long enough to go to the big tree in the front yard under and then back to the truck. I was also thinking running the bull rope under the truck off the trailer hitch and then under the log and back to the front of the truck and using the come a long to do the same thing.
What I was talking about above using the rolling pin analogy would not give me as much static friction(dragging/skidding) but would not give as much "multiplication of gearing" as the parbuckle technique, but somewhere in the middle, and also does not require doubling back as the other technique does.
Ok, project put off til tomorrow lots of time to think about it now and get more input.
Got the wood I cut sold, and have to go buy another log splitter later since I sold the one in the pictures earlier this week.
Good thing I keep pairs, the guy buying the wood is paying me to split it to fit his boiler and also to split some rounds he has sitting there. Off to work we go:)
Cool, however a chainsaw into rounds sounds easier. Unless you are going to mill those logs.
Good evening Rob.
You might want to look back a few post to see exactly what I'm working with.
If it was that easy they would probably be at my house or I would have already delivered them to somewhere else:).
Thanks for the input though.
Sorry chipper1, been busy. Set the 1st one in Fort Erie and Wednesday with a 90 ton all terrain crane and the 2nd one in Dorchester today using a 140 ton crane. Both houses were pretty much exactly the same. Tuesday it will be a 90 ton in Coboconk. No firewoodin this weekend, working on my 2 tractor snow blades tomorrow.
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This has to be one of the better threads here on AS, IMO. I don't visit very often, but I'm impressed each time I do so. Hopefully in the future, I'll contribute some pictures of some of my scrounges.

KUDOS to the regular contributors to this thread.
I agree!
Sorry chipper1, been busy. Set the 1st one in Fort Erie and Wednesday with a 90 ton all terrain crane and the 2nd one in Dorchester today using a 140 ton crane. Both houses were pretty much exactly the same. Tuesday it will be a 90 ton in Coboconk. No firewoodin this weekend, working on my 2 tractor snow blades tomorrow.
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Hey cantoo what's up LOL.
I love to see those big dual steer axles on them cranes like in the first picture. I need to get one of those some day:yes:
I delivered that wood to the house right down the street from the one you built right on the north side of Lowell, would have took some pictures, but it was to dark.
Got my new to me splitter tonight which will probably be used this weekend yet, as I hate to throw wood on the ground when it's in the trailer.

I have some plans for the early morning and then I will be tackling the big ash.
I can't believe there are no armchair loggers/axemen fans to give a tip or two. If I didn't know better I'd think you guys just wanted to see some fail blog pictures:dumb::lol:
Ok it wasn't me this time though:).
Like it says in my signature, "I may be slow, but I'm not stupid" I won't ask why, I can read;)

The x-series is a 2012 with about 1141hrs and a 60" deck.
The Lazer Z (rider) is a late 90's with a 52" deck and 426hrs it will be for sale this spring more than likely. I wish it was the 60 because the deck does not overhang enough to trim super close, with the walk behind style a 52" deck will overhang the tires by a lot, not so much on the 52".
Not sure the engine size of either, but I don't think they are 25hp, could be wrong though as I haven't been yet this week, oh woops forgot I was once lol.

>I wish it was the 60 because the deck does not overhang enough to trim super close,

had an after thot about your comment here after I read what you said. I will share it with you. your experience may be different, but to me it really wouldn't matter if I had a 52" or a 60". reason being is that a) no matter how close I cut grass to fence pole or tree, or sidewalk, or any thing... etc... I still have to go back and trim it with the trimmer to get the look I want. b) I find that close cutting with the zero-turm capability usually locks up inner wheel and it skids thru the grass leaving mud trax. I usually take straight passes 4-6 and then trim what is missed. c) the only reason I bot a 60 over 52 was I had a large area to mow for the compound areas 3 acres + drive in and hiway frontage in spring... and it wasn't so much speed as width that interested me. but I don't cut NW grass like grows up in Seattle, single strand grass, I cut a tuffer grass and as such I often mowup, down and across to achieve the look I want... and sometimes just for the fun of it! how nice can i make it look? iykwim... then hop off... and walk the lines trimming... boy! let me tell you sure do like the look of the place next morning as I sit on porch and :drinkingcoffee: right after it all has had a shave and a haircut...
Can you run a cable or chain under the trunk, then back over the top to 'parbuckle' roll the log back away from the hill, instead of just trying to drag it with brute force?


interesting vid. I like vids likes these. made that tree trunk look like a toothpick... that is until it rolled onto the truck's bed... then how heavy it is was obvious.... yeow!
You can sometimes look at 'how they did it in the old days' to get ideas. Finesse over brute force.

Thanks Philbert, did you have any particulars in mind.
I've never seen anything on a situation where the stem was still on the stump.
I would have done it different from the start having it bunked up about where I got involved at and working from the base first bringing each piece over as it was bucked, then your only working with 300-400lbs each. As it is I would estimate the piece left is 3-4000lbs.
Also most of the bigger work I have seen there were multiple anchor points that they were using or an overhead winch cable setup, and they would just finesse the button:).
Getting ready to go shortly, will check back after unloading splitters and switching trailers.
Got the other one last night, that's a happy home.20160206_120510.jpg
I saw this along with another that was way closer, but in the trees.20160206_104410.jpg20160206_104451.jpg
:)View attachment 484003 Was finally able to try out the new 576 XP AT on a "real" tree, about 32" on stump red fir, Love the new saw. Some of the best wood I've cut for awhile, dry, bark falls off, most split with one hit from the fiskars.

good foto!! says it all... like the color of those splits... great background... gets my vote!!! here you go folks, no shortage of them here on the AS... but again we have another:



:havingarest: (part-time foto judge)
Another scrounge at gramma's house this morning, some dead oak and my two favorite saws:


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" over the river and thru the woods...
to Grandmother's house we go
the truck knows the way....
to carry our saws, so hey!

let's go to Grandmother's and
get some more wood!' :)

you got a load! nice winter scene. will u use in that length? or cut. for my fireplace needs, I would most likely cut in half. but, my 54" Estate units can take up to 24" stix (chunks).
" over the river and thru the woods...
to Grandmother's house we go
the truck knows the way....
to carry our saws, so hey!

let's go to Grandmother's and
get some more wood!' :)

you got a load! nice winter scene. will u use in that length? or cut. for my fireplace needs, I would most likely cut in half. but, my 54" Estate units can take up to 24" stix (chunks).

So I have them cut at 18-20" lengths, my stove stakes up to 22". Last year I was gathering wood for my old stove, so all the wood I've been burning this year is 12-14" which makes it hard to fill up the firebox on the bigger stove. There are three rows of wood at that length there :)

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image.jpg My mind keeps going to the four trees I have down on the farm behind the house. Hardly any snow left but the ground isn't really frozen making access difficult, I'd rather drive the truck right to it. So instead I picked up a couple chains and a plug. Local dealer has buy one get second half price and I like the stihl chain.
Does this make it a "Stihlvarna" or a "Husqvihl"?
Sunny and nice out here today so off to scrounge up a couple of sticks .
I had spotted a few dead tops the last time I was out so that was my first stop .
I dropped them to the edge of the clearing , I like porcupines , they like trees too


I looked to my left and saw 3 leaning maples :)


I didn't make it to these ones yet .


I knew that the leaning hardwoods wouldn't come without a fight so I cut them as they leaned so I threw a chain up high and then pulled them down with the winch .



Drug them out to the landing and went back for another leaner .
I gotta make some protection , it hurts when you get whipped in the face , only lost muh hat once LOL


A pine for milling , two 8 footers , firewood at the top .


Of course the lean puts that one into the woods but the winch did the job of getting it down :)


I cut it in 2 and hauled it to the landing .
It was a good day :)

Mighty Mouse Logging LLC

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