Can you run a cable or chain under the trunk, then back over the top to 'parbuckle' roll the log back away from the hill, instead of just trying to drag it with brute force?
Can you run a cable or chain under the trunk, then back over the top to 'parbuckle' roll the log back away from the hill, instead of just trying to drag it with brute force?
Good evening Rob.Cool, however a chainsaw into rounds sounds easier. Unless you are going to mill those logs.
I agree!This has to be one of the better threads here on AS, IMO. I don't visit very often, but I'm impressed each time I do so. Hopefully in the future, I'll contribute some pictures of some of my scrounges.
KUDOS to the regular contributors to this thread.
Hey cantoo what's up LOL.Sorry chipper1, been busy. Set the 1st one in Fort Erie and Wednesday with a 90 ton all terrain crane and the 2nd one in Dorchester today using a 140 ton crane. Both houses were pretty much exactly the same. Tuesday it will be a 90 ton in Coboconk. No firewoodin this weekend, working on my 2 tractor snow blades tomorrow.
View attachment 483969 View attachment 483970
Like it says in my signature, "I may be slow, but I'm not stupid" I won't ask why, I can read
The x-series is a 2012 with about 1141hrs and a 60" deck.
The Lazer Z (rider) is a late 90's with a 52" deck and 426hrs it will be for sale this spring more than likely. I wish it was the 60 because the deck does not overhang enough to trim super close, with the walk behind style a 52" deck will overhang the tires by a lot, not so much on the 52".
Not sure the engine size of either, but I don't think they are 25hp, could be wrong though as I haven't been yet this week, oh woops forgot I was once lol.
Can you run a cable or chain under the trunk, then back over the top to 'parbuckle' roll the log back away from the hill, instead of just trying to drag it with brute force?
Thanks Philbert, did you have any particulars in mind.You can sometimes look at 'how they did it in the old days' to get ideas. Finesse over brute force.
View attachment 484003 Was finally able to try out the new 576 XP AT on a "real" tree, about 32" on stump red fir, Love the new saw. Some of the best wood I've cut for awhile, dry, bark falls off, most split with one hit from the fiskars.
Another scrounge at gramma's house this morning, some dead oak and my two favorite saws:
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" over the river and thru the woods...
to Grandmother's house we go
the truck knows the way....
to carry our saws, so hey!
let's go to Grandmother's and
get some more wood!'
you got a load! nice winter scene. will u use in that length? or cut. for my fireplace needs, I would most likely cut in half. but, my 54" Estate units can take up to 24" stix (chunks).