Nice and neat.
Could you please show some closer up pics of how you set up the racks with the cinder blocks please? That's a great idea. Thanks
I will get some pics up later today once the sun is up.
Each of those racks consists of five cinder blocks, four 8' landscape timbers laying on the blocks to form the base, and two 8' 2x4s, each cut in half to make the ends. That results in a cost of between $25 and $30 for a rack that is 16' long, usable over and over again, wherever you'd like to set it up, without tools. Even less when you can scrounge up the materials for free from craigslist LOL!
If making the rack on earth I'd put a cap block under the cinder blocks so the blocks don't sink into the earth unevenly and risk the whole rack getting wobbly or even falling over, but I skip that in the interest of cost as my racks are all on a large asphalt pad behind my garage so the blocks aren't going anywhere.
It's been pointed out that concrete does wick moisture from the ground, but I believe the flexibility and tool-less setup/takedown of this system far outweigh the small amount of moisture that may get wicked into the bottom row of splits, as that water would have to make its way not only through the cinder blocks but also the landscape timbers. This is unlikely, at least in my case on a slightly angled hard surface that drains rapidly.
And while anything is better than stacking split wood directly on the ground, I'll use this system all day long and twice on Sundays vs stacking wood on slowly rotting pallets, especially if you can find the pieces and parts for free over time on craigslist as mentioned above.
Have a great day gents. Pics to follow later...