Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Mustang Mike what the hell do you need so many guns and chainsaws for. LOL

For shootin stuff and cuttin stuff I guess. I don't have enough chainsaws and I don't own a gun. But I wouldn't mind having one to pop a few of the roos that are messing up my young fruit trees. Then I'd need more guns, because GAD.
I missed a good one this week. My church! Cut down 3 huge maples on Saturday. Truck was in shop over the weekend. By Monday only thing left was big rounds. I was bummed.
That happened to me too. A church was removing a large downed storm Maple and I went by to see it all gone the next day.
Goodness, we're suffering from an acute lack of scrounge today. Fortunately, treatment is at hand.

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This tree was standing dead and 'fell over' back in May. I had thought it was a candlebark as it was standing with several others and being dead it was lacking leaves and stuff for ease of identification. There's another reason why I hadn't identified it earlier which I'm a bit embarrassed about. Again. No, my nuts didn't fall off.

Not a big unit, about 16 inches at the base mebbe. As I was cutting it up however, I noticed the pale chips coming out which is rather unusual for a candlebark, which normally produces orange chips.

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Apart from the colour, the splitting test is also diagnostic. A candlebark round that big should split in a couple of hits.

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8 hits later, I diagnose blue gum. I was aided by a fissure that had opened as it had started to dry. Higher BTUs in the blue gum than the candlebark but also more ash, probably an even trade.

One bit had this little lady under it...temporarily.

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Ended up with one cube of blue gum.

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Also put the longer skinny branch poles on top that can be used as part of Cowgirl's community bonfire in May.

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Black Widow?
Let's see, the reasons I need guns:

1) Recreation: plinking, target shooting, and ballistic testing are fun!
2) Hunting, I love the venison, and it is a very lean - good for you meat. Grouse are great also!
3) Varmint control ... Porcupines, Woodchucks, and other destructive critters.
4) Protection ... You never know when this will occur, and hopfully if the opposition knows you are armed it will never occur.

My favorite cartoon when I was in college showed a picture of a guy all tied up in a chair, and the police were removing his gag, and he said "They said they were taking a survey, and I told them I did not believe in keeping a gun in the house to protect myself". Criminals look for easy pickins, and my dogs and my guns make me tough pickins!
Well I said I missed a good one but ended up get a half cord and more coming from that maple. There are about 40 huge rounds and some guys are going to split it and guess who's getting the splits? This guy! Woooo! This will put me at 3 cords for fall of 17.


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A little off topic, but anyone have a backpack blower? I'm looking at a few right now. Always had a handheld blower and would like to know what some of the better features are on them. Looking at husqvarna 150bt, echo pb-580bt, pb-500bt, and maybe any stihl In the $225 price range used that isn't beat to absolute death.

Edit: guess I could add, mainly going to be using it to help me with leaf removal during the winter. Summer my handheld bg55 does just fine for grass. I have 6 acres of trees that I'm trying to tame.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

I've had good luck with the Echo pb755 63cc series, bought one used and abused with a base gasket leak that covered her with an inch of oil/dust for $100. Rings, new gasket, tons of cleaning and she's a great blower. Very easy starting, even for the wife and anyone else I can rope into helping. Mine is a pb-755st, s denoting the smaller side-mounted air filter as opposed to the larger top mount, and t denoting trigger throttle as opposed to hip. I much prefer the trigger as it leaves my left hand free to pick up sticks and trash. I used the Redmax version of the 580bts (it was originally a redmax product like the 543xp etc.), it's definitely louder and stronger, but I couldn't find one used for under $300. Bigger is definitely better in backpack blowers, I'd absolutely go for a commercial unit over the 50cc 150bts size options if possible. Apparently the Stihl BR700 is even stronger than the 580bts, but obviously way out of price range.

That's great, nice piece of improvisation! Love those logs. With the mud on the logs though, what's your plan to stop blunting your chain in three cuts? Hose them off? Carbide? Filing practice?

Well I said I missed a good one but ended up get a half cord and more coming from that maple. There are about 40 huge rounds and some guys are going to split it and guess who's getting the splits? This guy! Woooo! This will put me at 3 cords for fall of 17.

Score! That's a nice deal. Someone else's tree. Someone else cuts it down. Someone else bucks it up. Someone else takes the small stuff. Someone else splits the big stuff for you. Now all you need is someone else to drop it off at your place and someone else to stack it ensuring good airflow and aesthetics.
Mustang Mike one of the things that gets overlooked in the gun control debate is here in Aus if you hit hard times you will get reasonabley generous social support. You should never get into a situation where you have nothing to loose and have to resort to crime. My understanding is in America you get support for a short time then your on you own.
For those that come from disadvantaged background they may feel they have nothing to loose and resort to crime or gangs.
It's a simplistic view to blame guns when there are much deeper problems.

The solution to the problem is that every single child or teenager needs to get mentored by decent people as they grow up. Be it through church, sporting clubs, scouts or any other youth social group. You will shape that person for the rest of their life. In the absence of good mentors they will revert to their peers and if they are rat bags you will have problems.
Unfortunately the world is heading the wrong direction and most people can't see the solution.
That's great, nice piece of improvisation! Love those logs. With the mud on the logs though, what's your plan to stop blunting your chain in three cuts? Hose them off? Carbide? Filing practice?b
:D Yes I get plenty of filing practice! Fortunately there will probably only be one or two cuts per log on those. Knock off the heaviest dirt and run a semichisel chain is about all one can do. The mill debarks them so they don't sweat the mud to much.
We have strict naming rules for our animals in Australia. The one with the red stripe on her back is called a red back spider :surprised3:. They're venomous but no match for a size 10 boot. The big one on the trailer was a huntsman, I had presumably carried it to the trailer on a piece of wood without noticing. Probably would have noticed if it had bitten me. Cowlass had one in her schoolbag yesterday and was not impressed. The one I don't want to meet is the funnelweb and @Jeffkrib has many more of those up in Sydney than we do down here. Get a good bite from one of those and you're boned, they can even hit you through shoes.

Nice noodles. And I like the way you're looking after your figure, Steve.

See @Jeffkrib, this is why everyone needs a 661. Bad luck on the missed scrounge, cheath. Could you not have a go at it anyway? Bit of noodling or roll them up onto a trailer?

Yes I could have but 1, I would have had to take them to my land, unload and borrow my dads splitter and employ some help. 2. I don't have that much room as my 2 cords for next winter are done. 3. I had to work and the church wanted them gone asap. Some members got together today and used a splitter to split them and got 3 full cords. I was a little bummed but a needy family got 2 cords and another church member got one so it worked out. All I need is 2 cords added to my 2 that I have any I'll be set for the 17 burning season. I just thought I could get a leg up on the 18 season but I will shortly. There's a lot to scrounge around here. It seems like people get lazier each year so there's plenty of Downed stuff on the road side for the taking. With permission of course.
I've had good luck with the Echo pb755 63cc series, bought one used and abused with a base gasket leak that covered her with an inch of oil/dust for $100. Rings, new gasket, tons of cleaning and she's a great blower. Very easy starting, even for the wife and anyone else I can rope into helping. Mine is a pb-755st, s denoting the smaller side-mounted air filter as opposed to the larger top mount, and t denoting trigger throttle as opposed to hip. I much prefer the trigger as it leaves my left hand free to pick up sticks and trash. I used the Redmax version of the 580bts (it was originally a redmax product like the 543xp etc.), it's definitely louder and stronger, but I couldn't find one used for under $300. Bigger is definitely better in backpack blowers, I'd absolutely go for a commercial unit over the 50cc 150bts size options if possible. Apparently the Stihl BR700 is even stronger than the 580bts, but obviously way out of price range.

Thanks for the info! Funds were kinda tight, but my pb500t came in today. Parts are on the way for the clamp for the throttle to be connected to the tube. Gassed it up and primed it. Started on the 3rd pull. Will give a full report tomorrow if I can find a way to temporarily attach the throttle to the tube until parts get here.

BTW anyone's Tapatalk messing up? I can't log in to the forums or at least wasn't able to last time I tried.
Mustang Mike one of the things that gets overlooked in the gun control debate is here in Aus if you hit hard times you will get reasonabley generous social support. You should never get into a situation where you have nothing to loose and have to resort to crime. My understanding is in America you get support for a short time then your on you own.
For those that come from disadvantaged background they may feel they have nothing to loose and resort to crime or gangs.
It's a simplistic view to blame guns when there are much deeper problems.

The solution to the problem is that every single child or teenager needs to get mentored by decent people as they grow up. Be it through church, sporting clubs, scouts or any other youth social group. You will shape that person for the rest of their life. In the absence of good mentors they will revert to their peers and if they are rat bags you will have problems.
Unfortunately the world is heading the wrong direction and most people can't see the solution.

If things were working out so well in your Country, then you would have had no reason to ban guns! The truth of the matter is most of the violence can be tied to illegal drug use, and the more people get "helped" the more the family structure breaks down, and the more violence you have. A lot of the crime is also tied to the massive illegal immigration that often make up the worst gangs. At the risk of sounding bias, some of the gangs from Russia & South America will not flinch at committing unspeakable violence. A lot of our problems are "imported", and not home grown, which is why there was an overwhelming vote to start to control our borders. With all due respect, your borders are a bit easier to control.

I totally disagree with your premise that government help is what people need to better themselves. In fact, an examination of reality will often reveal exactly the opposite. When people are rewarded for not working or being productive, they don't and they aren't. It is a sad function of human nature.
Id these three pieces of wood. I will give one clue. Each piece is a different species and the there are one stick of each species in each pic. I even tell you that the species are Whteoak, Red Oak and River Birch. Which is which? Just for info, the pics in the second pic are not the same three sticks in the first pic


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Id these three pieces of wood. I will give one clue. Each piece is a different species and the there are one stick of each species in each pic. I even tell you that the species are Whteoak, Red Oak and River Birch. Which is which? Just for info, the pics in the second pic are not the same three sticks in the first pic
Are they from the trunk or have you put in limb wood as well ?
Pic # 1 far left is red oak from a limb