ArboristSite Lurker
So I began my journey after buying our first house on a large wooded lot. I mostly ignored the woods for the first few years not really knowing where to start. Trees were(and still are) down everywhere, and the problem seemed to only compound every winter and storm that came along. A huge oak fell and almost hit the house, and at this point I knew I needed a chainsaw. My grandfather gave me this in non-running condition. He said the tank was cracked, it leaked oil, and good luck fixing:
I cleaned that up, usual stuff like a plug and filters, and discovered the oiler ports were all gummed up with old wood pulp. Cleaned those out really good and it stopped seeping oil all over after being shut off. Good saw, but heavy as heck. Also got a parts Timber Bear around that time for like $20 still running, but lower compression. Tha parts saw came with a free Poulan 2150 and a ryobi weed whip. So I came to this site and eventually, with the help of chipper1 decided I needed a big ole Stihl 044. So I bought this for what I think was a bargain:
I cut up the oak almost entirely with the 044 w/ 24" bar, and realized I couldn't move my left arm or elbow anymore. Sore as hell I started looking for a lighter saw to get the smaller stuff without disabling myself for a week of recuperation. I settled on the 026, but after a few deals fell through, and with the realization that they always go for $200+ I was open to anything cheap, light, powerful, and reliable. I lucked upon a closed port Husqvarna 55 that needed some TLC. After buying the parts I needed, lo and behold a minty Husqvarna open port non-rancher 55 popped up at a price I couldn't pass up. And so I now had twins. One Danny Devito, and one Ahnuld Schwarzeneggar:
A friend called me yesterday and while we were talking, he asked how many saws I have now. I'm at six counting the parts McCulloch and Pootlawn. I have the feeling more saws will be added to the collection by the end of spring, but I don't know where to stop or what to sell and what to keep. Any advice? Haha just kidding I'm not selling any of them. On another note, should I clean and dress up the closed port 55 in the new minty plastics, or leave it be and use the heck out of it? One of them has to sit the bench.

I cleaned that up, usual stuff like a plug and filters, and discovered the oiler ports were all gummed up with old wood pulp. Cleaned those out really good and it stopped seeping oil all over after being shut off. Good saw, but heavy as heck. Also got a parts Timber Bear around that time for like $20 still running, but lower compression. Tha parts saw came with a free Poulan 2150 and a ryobi weed whip. So I came to this site and eventually, with the help of chipper1 decided I needed a big ole Stihl 044. So I bought this for what I think was a bargain:

I cut up the oak almost entirely with the 044 w/ 24" bar, and realized I couldn't move my left arm or elbow anymore. Sore as hell I started looking for a lighter saw to get the smaller stuff without disabling myself for a week of recuperation. I settled on the 026, but after a few deals fell through, and with the realization that they always go for $200+ I was open to anything cheap, light, powerful, and reliable. I lucked upon a closed port Husqvarna 55 that needed some TLC. After buying the parts I needed, lo and behold a minty Husqvarna open port non-rancher 55 popped up at a price I couldn't pass up. And so I now had twins. One Danny Devito, and one Ahnuld Schwarzeneggar:

A friend called me yesterday and while we were talking, he asked how many saws I have now. I'm at six counting the parts McCulloch and Pootlawn. I have the feeling more saws will be added to the collection by the end of spring, but I don't know where to stop or what to sell and what to keep. Any advice? Haha just kidding I'm not selling any of them. On another note, should I clean and dress up the closed port 55 in the new minty plastics, or leave it be and use the heck out of it? One of them has to sit the bench.