G'day scroungers!
20 degrees C with a windchill of 20 degrees C here this morning. I had some unfinished business at the Lady Farm this morning from previous scrounges. There was this:

And there was this:

The 460 was pressed into service to take care of these long dry peppermint logs. They're as dry as a chip and ready to go.

I haven't used the log jack very much but it was great for these long skinny logs, zzzt, zzzt, zzzt.

I also had this left over from a previous scrounge:

Which after a bit of Limby action became this

So I split all that up and loaded it then went back to the dry stuff I cut earlier. Tragically, I couldn't fit it all on the trailer so I'll have to go back another time to get the rest.

I forgot my cargo net and rope and I wasn't keen to drive along the highway without it tied down and attract the attention of the highway patrol nazis, so I dropped some of the dry stuff off at the Lady Farmer's house and reorganised the remaining wood for safe transportation.

20 degrees C with a windchill of 20 degrees C here this morning. I had some unfinished business at the Lady Farm this morning from previous scrounges. There was this:

And there was this:

The 460 was pressed into service to take care of these long dry peppermint logs. They're as dry as a chip and ready to go.

I haven't used the log jack very much but it was great for these long skinny logs, zzzt, zzzt, zzzt.

I also had this left over from a previous scrounge:

Which after a bit of Limby action became this

So I split all that up and loaded it then went back to the dry stuff I cut earlier. Tragically, I couldn't fit it all on the trailer so I'll have to go back another time to get the rest.

I forgot my cargo net and rope and I wasn't keen to drive along the highway without it tied down and attract the attention of the highway patrol nazis, so I dropped some of the dry stuff off at the Lady Farmer's house and reorganised the remaining wood for safe transportation.