Hi all, London checking in.
After my first winter with a stove i can say its a success and worth the cutting and splitting, even my OH, who was very sceptical, has been won over by the glorious wood heat. So much so that i got the go ahead for a second stove! So the scrounging goes on.
Not quite dragging so Dancan may scoff, but its well loaded down, and here is why
Dancan's favorite wood.
that's a 4'x8' pallet
This came from my usual local tree surgeon and this time he contacted me to say he had wood, oak even (I usually just get soft woods), and kept it aside for me! awesome guy.
best of all, it was easy splitting! i never get easy splitting. 25 minutes and i felt like that Bunyon guy. So i took a few swings at that gnarly ash i've yet to deal with, the barb wire infested stuff.
No...no I'm still s*** at splitting. This ash is much softer after 7 or 8 months drying, and as you can see i can get it to split now, but its stringy and the fibres hold it together! It can't be elm, dutch elm disease killed all our big trees, but its not how ash is described! the fiskars and the stihl maul stick firm almost each swing. In the same time the oak took i managed about 5 splits of ash

still, I've another car load of Oak to collect yet so