Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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View attachment 565996
It's a Naden 16. I picked it up last year. Was a former fishing resort rental boat but is really solid and doesn't leak. Rides well and the way the hull flares at the back, it's a dry ride in rougher water.
My daughter waiting to go fishing with dad.
Naden boats are legendary! Rarely found south of the Canadian border though.

I nearly bought one of those new a few years back from Canada (my hometown is only 2 hours from Canada) but the sales guy was unbelievably rude so I bought a Lund locally instead.
Hi all, London checking in.

After my first winter with a stove i can say its a success and worth the cutting and splitting, even my OH, who was very sceptical, has been won over by the glorious wood heat. So much so that i got the go ahead for a second stove! So the scrounging goes on.


Not quite dragging so Dancan may scoff, but its well loaded down, and here is why


Dancan's favorite wood.:)


that's a 4'x8' pallet
This came from my usual local tree surgeon and this time he contacted me to say he had wood, oak even (I usually just get soft woods), and kept it aside for me! awesome guy.

best of all, it was easy splitting! i never get easy splitting. 25 minutes and i felt like that Bunyon guy. So i took a few swings at that gnarly ash i've yet to deal with, the barb wire infested stuff.

33466639796_bc63b18d55_h.jpg I'm still s*** at splitting. This ash is much softer after 7 or 8 months drying, and as you can see i can get it to split now, but its stringy and the fibres hold it together! It can't be elm, dutch elm disease killed all our big trees, but its not how ash is described! the fiskars and the stihl maul stick firm almost each swing. In the same time the oak took i managed about 5 splits of ash :nofunny::nofunny:

still, I've another car load of Oak to collect yet so :numberone:

Good work Neil. I notice the front wheels are not in contact with the wheel arches. You also need to do this if you want to get full membership of the Intra-Vehicular Scroungers Club.

Safety first 9th Nov 16.jpg

I guarantee that your missus will love you doing that. I'm glad that she's come around to wood heating - nothing better on a dreary winter's day.

You might have more luck chipping that ash off around the edges rather than going across the middle with soft, stringy stuff. Especially if you can, ahem, hit the same spot. My dad used to call me "Lightning" because I didn't strike the same spot twice, but with time and practice I can now generally nail the exact same spot almost every time with a full swing. The main time I don't is when I've been working away at a split in tough wood and starting to tire but have nearly knocked it into two. Only need one more gentle swing to finish it - and the half swing misses the split by 2 inches. :buttkick:
Naden boats are legendary! Rarely found south of the Canadian border though.

I nearly bought one of those new a few years back from Canada (my hometown is only 2 hours from Canada) but the sales guy was unbelievably rude so I bought a Lund locally instead.
I was responding to an ad for a Lund. I hummed and hawed a minute too long and someone else got it. Then the guy emailed me back and said hey I have a Naden, which I'd never heard of. Originally Naden was made in Iowa. Still popular in northern Ontario although not made any more. The owner was killed in a car crash in 2014. Blah blah blah. Lol. I like this boat so I'm going to show it some love. Had four coats of paint on it! Light blue, dark blue and 2 reds! I have more than 5 gallons of paint scrapings and I'm not even done yet!
Well I'm hoping in the next few weeks the snow will recede enough for me to start hauling the 5 or so cords of rounds that I cut last year out of the woods and then I can continue to cut and haul from my other scrounge spots.

It's kind of amazing that in about 150 miles of latitude the snow goes from non existent to multiple feet on the ground. I guess global warming is only regional lol.
Cowboy, thanks for the tip. I've tried chipping splits off the edge and had some success in places on some rounds but not everywhere. It's horrible, i got stitched up by a guy delivering his rubbish, all giant crotches, riddled with barbed wire, also brick. I've even driven wedges as far as i can pound them and not got a split. The accuracy comment is fair. I'm not so bad with the fiskars but not so good with the heavier stihl. Fiskars just doesn't have the oomph in this stuff much of the time. In my defence, those rounds have been swung at on many occasions now and show every flesh wound of their multiple victories!
Cowboy, thanks for the tip. I've tried chipping splits off the edge and had some success in places on some rounds but not everywhere. It's horrible, i got stitched up by a guy delivering his rubbish, all giant crotches, riddled with barbed wire, also brick. I've even driven wedges as far as i can pound them and not got a split. The accuracy comment is fair. I'm not so bad with the fiskars but not so good with the heavier stihl. Fiskars just doesn't have the oomph in this stuff much of the time. In my defence, those rounds have been swung at on many occasions now and show every flesh wound of their multiple victories!

@LondonNeil , I'm hopeless now with an axe, I'd be lucky to hit the same piece of wood twice, let alone the same spot. You get good at what you use all the time, in my case, it's the Hart maul that has served me well. If I tried using a Fiskars, I'd have to retrain all over again. Pity about all that stuff through your wood. You'll enjoy burning it though when the time comes. "Who's laughing now, pal".
View attachment 566073
I was responding to an ad for a Lund. I hummed and hawed a minute too long and someone else got it. Then the guy emailed me back and said hey I have a Naden, which I'd never heard of. Originally Naden was made in Iowa. Still popular in northern Ontario although not made any more. The owner was killed in a car crash in 2014. Blah blah blah. Lol. I like this boat so I'm going to show it some love. Had four coats of paint on it! Light blue, dark blue and 2 reds! I have more than 5 gallons of paint scrapings and I'm not even done yet!

I stripped this one down and repainted it. It had a little soft spot in the back and once I got going I couldn't stop. It's a 58 Lyman with a 75 HP Johnson, Joe.

Ok guys haven't had time to take pics lately.......but my dad had a big old maple brake offf in some high winds a week my dad, me, and one of my brothers cleaned it up yesterday when I got off of work....I took the ms362 and ms461, I had the 25" bar on the 461 and RM chain because there was a hollow spot that had all kinds of debri in it.....was a good time to be cutting with them, I always cut alone....
Here is my dad and brother working....IMG_2245.JPG

Here is me cutting the tree....IMG_2249.JPG

Here is the stump....IMG_2241.JPG

My brother was splitting some as we go....IMG_2240.JPG
Here is my dad acting like he is working LOL....he is getting the peat moss type debri out of a huge chunk of wood....IMG_2238.JPG
Only one load today, another one for my brother. He heats almost exclusively with wood while I use wood and electric, so he'll get most of what I scrounge. I enjoy finding the wood and cutting more than him, so it's a win-win.

And with a few exceptions I'm not real good with my wood identification when there are no leaves so I don't know what this tree is, but we're cutting and burning it anyway. It's pretty heavy compared to the ash.


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Norm the second pic looks like red oak. the third maybe hackberry. ????
I stripped this one down and repainted it. It had a little soft spot in the back and once I got going I couldn't stop. It's a 58 Lyman with a 75 HP Johnson, Joe.

That's a gorgeous boat! I love the lapstrake design. My last boat was an aluminum lapstrake but it was too rough and beat to bother with a resto.
Well, with all apologies to @dancan, I think I'm becoming a wood snob. After 20 pickups full of Craigslist scrounge this fall and winter, and watching mold spots crop up on some of my hickory, sweet gum and Bradford pear while everything oak still looks lovely as spring approaches, I think from here on out if it ain't oak, I ain't interested.

I already have a couple cords cut and noodled where need be sitting on the ground, with nowhere left to stack splits, given the warm winter we've had and relatively little burning I've done. That said, I couldn't resist on seeing an ad last night for free red oak, a 24' piece of trunk on the ground, with only two limbs already removed and the guy even had it propped off the dirt on some other small pieces of wood.

When I got there late this morning I found out he's Russian, trying to clear his 3 acres so he can build a house for his sister on the back of the property. Everything is bug and disease free since he's dropping healthy trees he just needs out of the way. He shows me he's got 4 oak trunks on the ground already, everything already limbed and topped, and says I can have them all, as well as he's going to be dropping two more big ones and tells me I can have those, too, since he was glad to see I was able to deal with the biggest one he already had down.

So for a couple hours work prior to my daughter's piano lesson I got a pretty full truckload of solid, crotch-free, straight-splittin' red oak trunk, and more to come. Now I've just gotta figure out where to put all this stuff. Oh well, there are worse problems to have!


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Well , just because I don't have a van to kick around anymore it doesn't mean that I'm not scrounging lol



Impressive video, Dan. I'm always jealous seeing and watching you guys with all this great equipment, while my arsenal consists of a truck, a couple saws and two arms!
Impressive video, Dan. I'm always jealous seeing and watching you guys with all this great equipment, while my arsenal consists of a truck, a couple saws and two arms!
You aren't the only one. The truck, a few saws, and two arms are my set up as well for now.

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