After lots of delays, the 044 International Edition is up and running! My many thanks to Jeff (FHCW) and Eric (Ekka) for their generosity and assistance.
Last summer I was in the mood for a project saw (see what I mean about delays?) and Jeff offered an 044 he bought from Ben (NWCS) that he had sitting around, needing to be swapped onto a new case that he had purchased. The price was right, so I sent him some money. A few days later it showed up at my door. It then sat in my garage for a long time, untouched.
After having it sit in a box for a few months I finally figured out what I needed and realized that my cheap project wasn't going to be so cheap after all. Ekka offered to send me the parts I needed for free, if I would cover the shipping from Australia. I sent him some money, too. A few days later, a box of saw parts from Australia showed up at my door.
A couple months ago I finally got the crank moved into the other case halves. Then it sat in a box in my living room for a couple months. Then I put it together, but the aftermarket piston pin bearing gave out even before it sputtered for the first time. Another two week wait to get to the shop for a new bearing and some small bits.
So tonight my wife went to get her hair done, so I figured it was time to finish the saw. Fifteen minutes and it was back together. Three pulls on choke and two without and she's a runner. Really good compression - super clean cylinder and new piston and rings. Sounds great with the DP muffler cover. I hope to do some cutting this weekend but this feels like a strong saw.
Well, after a very long wait:
Last summer I was in the mood for a project saw (see what I mean about delays?) and Jeff offered an 044 he bought from Ben (NWCS) that he had sitting around, needing to be swapped onto a new case that he had purchased. The price was right, so I sent him some money. A few days later it showed up at my door. It then sat in my garage for a long time, untouched.
After having it sit in a box for a few months I finally figured out what I needed and realized that my cheap project wasn't going to be so cheap after all. Ekka offered to send me the parts I needed for free, if I would cover the shipping from Australia. I sent him some money, too. A few days later, a box of saw parts from Australia showed up at my door.
A couple months ago I finally got the crank moved into the other case halves. Then it sat in a box in my living room for a couple months. Then I put it together, but the aftermarket piston pin bearing gave out even before it sputtered for the first time. Another two week wait to get to the shop for a new bearing and some small bits.
So tonight my wife went to get her hair done, so I figured it was time to finish the saw. Fifteen minutes and it was back together. Three pulls on choke and two without and she's a runner. Really good compression - super clean cylinder and new piston and rings. Sounds great with the DP muffler cover. I hope to do some cutting this weekend but this feels like a strong saw.
Well, after a very long wait: