To the best of my knowledge the OEM is better because of volume and the length for the engine cover. It’s on its way so just going to wait.Wont any decompression valve work on it?
Chestnut. The couple that lives there are the 2nd generation to live there and they are in their mid-80’s. They said they can remember the tree when they were kids. She grew up there as a kid, her husband grew up at the next farm.Sweet! The one we all dream about.
What sort of inferior (non-spruce that is) firewood tree is that?
Agreed to take a dead tree out of a friend's back yard. Showed up on Sunday to find the mother load of firewood...okay, not a mother load, just a small tree but spruce!!
Been super busy with the new house and the bigger engined toys. My LS swapped 2nd gen Camaro, Garage has NO screws holding the sheet rock up, my poor windshield taught me that about the new house....View attachment 731824View attachment 731825
It is protected. It has mattresses on it.James, I though your were going to tell him he had to put protection on top of the car for things like that!
For a second I thought you had clear lexan valve coversBeen super busy with the new house and the bigger engined toys. My LS swapped 2nd gen Camaro, Garage has NO screws holding the sheet rock up, my poor windshield taught me that about the new house....View attachment 731824View attachment 731825
Might have made a few nice slabs, but nice BTU's is good too.View attachment 731786 Be glad to get the 9010 back once the decompression valve shows up from Germany. Cut from both sides with the 7900 with 24” bar, noodled with the 590.
Mike, I called the dealer today and they said to bring it in without the trailer(of course), then they would take it for a 4-5 mile test run and see what the computer said it was getting. I mentioned the premium fuel thing and she said NO. She said the factory calls for regular and they can not recommend any thing else. I said my friend said it was in the manual. She said, NO, the factory specifies regular. I know my 01 Tahoe specified regular, but they explained why. The Chevy was a lower compression engine, and premium has more carbon in it. the lower compression ratio won't burn all of the carbon and it will start to build up. Anyway, I'll drop the trailer over the weekend and see what it does. I went to WV again yesterday, and it came up from 13 MPG to 15.Joe, your problems could very well be related to the fuel injectors. The owners manual says it will run on regular, but will run better on high test (more power), especially when towing or in hot weather. I plan to run mine on high test full time.
I would fill it with high test, and add some injector cleaner and see what happens. These direct injection engines often have very sensitive injectors.
On behalf of most of us downunder, 'welcome to our world'. Tried out my leg for the first time in a week yesterday. Did so on a local job so I could pull the pin if leg couldn't handle the jandle. With my tractor two hrs away I had to noodle chunks and lift them to the splitter. Bugger that. My leg is the only thing not sore this morning ;-)That tree is kicking my butt. Getting 5-6 noodled chunks per round, even in my prime I couldn’t have lifted those rounds.
Pulled this load home today with the F250. 6.2L Green oak . Around 14 mpg till I hit the bottom of the hill and dropped to 13.9Mike, I called the dealer today and they said to bring it in without the trailer(of course), then they would take it for a 4-5 mile test run and see what the computer said it was getting. I mentioned the premium fuel thing and she said NO. She said the factory calls for regular and they can not recommend any thing else. I said my friend said it was in the manual. She said, NO, the factory specifies regular. I know my 01 Tahoe specified regular, but they explained why. The Chevy was a lower compression engine, and premium has more carbon in it. the lower compression ratio won't burn all of the carbon and it will start to build up. Anyway, I'll drop the trailer over the weekend and see what it does. I went to WV again yesterday, and it came up from 13 MPG to 15.
It’s the spring season, he cut in the spring season so fully seasoned. Anyone that “cuts a lot of wood” understands.I dont think that guy really understands the term "fully seasoned"
Believe me mate, if I had the room, equipment to handle logs and a bandsaw mill I would have loved it.Might have made a few nice slabs, but nice BTU's is good too.
It’s the spring season, he cut in the spring season so fully seasoned. Anyone that “cuts a lot of wood” understands.