The other day when I taught my Grandsons reloading, I ended up digging through the boxes on the shelf on my reloading bench, and ended up discovering some supplies that had been lost in time, including three different powders I though I was almost out of, and bullets for the 270 (that my brother now uses) that are NLA and I did not think I had.
The bullet is the old Nosler Solid Base, before they started using ballistic tips. They were a little harder than the ballistic tip bullets that replaced them. There were 47 of them left in the box, so I can do some testing at the range and still load two boxes. I'm going to try them with a different powder, and compare them to the 270 MRX bullets (they have also been discontinued, but I stocked up a bit while they were still available). Trouble is, those MRX bullets were expensive as sin, and are only 20 in a box, and I want to save most of them for my 270 WSM.
I have 4 full boxes of MRX, and an opened box that had 4 bullets left. So my plan is to load a few of both bullets with some Reloader 22 powder and see how they shoot. If they both shoot well, I'll load a box of each. If neither of them shoot well, (or to the same point of impact) I'll just go back to my old load of the Nosler with IRM 4350.
Too cold to be building saws or wood furniture (I like to do both of those outside), so I'll play with the reloading a bit before my busy Tax Season begins.
I also had 3 Grandkids over today, we loaded some more 223 and played some cards.
I've always got something going on!