Did you at least get to take the 2252 out for a spin, you know to make sure the rakers are set just rightThanks, I think perhaps this guy will be back because the chain looked like it had been through rocks a couple of times and he looked kinda hopefully at me when he asked "can you fix this"
Even though; it was a breeze to do the whole routine on this one compared to just touch up that harvester chain, everything on it was just... bigger. Charged 5 and got 10 with a smile on that one.

Have to make sure you do multiple trips around the loop taking off what you can without bluing the cutters. I use a large green or blue sharpie to mark the cutter I start on and the cutters that will need to be ground more, then I grind the ones that are a little shorter after I finish both sides of the chain, if the rakers. Because I do the rakers on my grinder(what are you using) I will mark the rakers on the shorter cutters and hut those with a file if I took more than around .020" off a cutter, if not I leave them and they catch up eventually.
I got the foot pedal for the Stihl USG hooked up today, look forward to trying that out soon.