Are chains cheap? And why?

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Apr 28, 2014
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I see at the brick-n-mortar stores chains are $35 to $40 or higher. Yet I can get nearly the same from Amazon for $20 to $25 (free shipping). That is quite a difference. Is this price difference going to last. Will the stores eventually lower or will the online merchants raise their prices? I've been buying these, what I think are inexpensive, quality chains and have quite the inventory. I'm on the fence if I should keep buying or be satisfied with what I currently have, which is about 30 chains total, for the various bars I run.
I would hold off buying more chain until the hex file Stihl product line plays out. The radius under the cutter may be immaterial. The tangent at the top plate may be the thing to pay attention to.

I have my doubts the brick and mortar places will lower prices long term many seem to be pushing their house loyalty and credit card programs.

Any large Deere places with big Stihl section nearby doing 3 for 2 deals?
You're comparing Stihl brand chain at a Brick/mortar store to Stihl brand chain on Amazon or Stihl to Off brand chain on Amazon?

Stihl chain is known to be VERY good chain. Takes a great edge and holds it for a long time. Off brand chain is generally softer cutters that do not take as sharp an edge and does not hold it as long. For amateur chainsaw users it's probably fine, but it's definitely not comparable chain.
I would hold off buying more chain until the hex file Stihl product line plays out. The radius under the cutter may be immaterial. The tangent at the top plate may be the thing to pay attention to.

I have my doubts the brick and mortar places will lower prices long term many seem to be pushing their house loyalty and credit card programs.

Any large Deere places with big Stihl section nearby doing 3 for 2 deals?

I do have a Deere dealer that I go to, but only for chains that I cannot get online. 0.404 chains primarily. Their custom user-requested chains are very reasonable, but the 0.404 last a long long time for me.
You're comparing Stihl brand chain at a Brick/mortar store to Stihl brand chain on Amazon or Stihl to Off brand chain on Amazon?

Stihl chain is known to be VERY good chain. Takes a great edge and holds it for a long time. Off brand chain is generally softer cutters that do not take as sharp an edge and does not hold it as long. For amateur chainsaw users it's probably fine, but it's definitely not comparable chain.

Oregon is off brand to you? Okay...

My experiences with Stihl, Husky, Oregon chains are the same. All 3 perform well and I cannot tell the difference in holding an edge or longevity.
Oregon is off brand to you? Okay...

My experiences with Stihl, Husky, Oregon chains are the same. All 3 perform well and I cannot tell the difference in holding an edge or longevity.
No, I wouldn't call Oregon chain 'off brand', but you didn't mention Oregon, or any brand name, in your original post so how am I supposed to know what 'nearly the same from amazon' is supposed to mean? The only link you included was to Stihl chain from what I assume is your local place. There is a lot more brands available on Amazon than Oregon.

Provide all the information and it would be easier for we forum goers to understand your issue. Oregon, from testing I've seen is not as good as Stihl as far as hardness of cutter, however, given the price difference, it definitely seems to perform above it's price point. I have both.
My experiences with Stihl, Husky, Oregon chains are the same. All 3 perform well and I cannot tell the difference in holding an edge or longevity.
You likely like most of the posters generally use 3/8 chain of the type for 50 to 100cc saws called out in the Oregon literature. I know you also use .404.

As one who generally uses chain on the smaller end there is quite a difference between Stihl 13RM and Oregon 25AP, maybe not as much but still quite a bit of difference between 61pmm3 and 90px, also 63Pm and 91vxl.
No, I wouldn't call Oregon chain 'off brand', but you didn't mention Oregon, or any brand name, in your original post so how am I supposed to know what 'nearly the same from amazon' is supposed to mean? The only link you included was to Stihl chain from what I assume is your local place. There is a lot more brands available on Amazon than Oregon.

Provide all the information and it would be easier for we forum goers to understand your issue. Oregon, from testing I've seen is not as good as Stihl as far as hardness of cutter, however, given the price difference, it definitely seems to perform above it's price point. I have both.

Must be your browser. The Amazon Oregon link shows up as I posted it and still see it.

Yes the Oregon is a deal, and I have been buy them as my wallet can afford. Another Oregon sqr ground chain 84DL is showing up in a day or so. I'm thinking of shortening it to run on my ms261.
I only see the Murdoch's link too, no Amazon link.

I've historically bought Stihl chain and paid the premium. It wasn't much of a premium, for what I thought was far superior chain, and well worth the cost. That said, it's been awhile since I've bought chain. If it's $45 at my local Stihl dealer now, I'll be looking at online options too. Stihl chain is better, but not 2x better.
I only see the Murdoch's link too, no Amazon link.

I've historically bought Stihl chain and paid the premium. It wasn't much of a premium, for what I thought was far superior chain, and well worth the cost. That said, it's been awhile since I've bought chain. If it's $45 at my local Stihl dealer now, I'll be looking at online options too. Stihl chain is better, but not 2x better.

Here is my screen snip.

I am still unclear on what OP is comparing.

Are you saying the same Stihl chain in store vs online? Or Stihl in store vs Oregon online?
I would expect Stihl chain to be more expensive.

I used to buy Oregon chain from a few years ago, around $12 for a 72DL LGX. It was a very good deal. But the prices have doubled since.

I primarily use Oregon chain and don't have any major complaints. Sometimes the 72LGX seems soft and to dull quick and sometimes it stays sharp. Once I run out I will move to EXL.
I have Stihl chains that I bought with my MS211. Excellent chains, but pricey. From my own personal experience, I have found that Oregon chains to be their equal in every way. Ditto for Oregon bars. When you consider the lower price of the Oregon bars and chains, I am actually getting better service from them. Your mileage may vary.
I see at the brick-n-mortar stores chains are $35 to $40 or higher. Yet I can get nearly the same from Amazon for $20 to $25 (free shipping). That is quite a difference. Is this price difference going to last. Will the stores eventually lower or will the online merchants raise their prices? I've been buying these, what I think are inexpensive, quality chains and have quite the inventory. I'm on the fence if I should keep buying or be satisfied with what I currently have, which is about 30 chains total, for the various bars I run.
How will the economy change to favour your budget?
Prices never go down once they are accepted...would you work for 10 bucks an hour, because it would keep you working?
on-line prices raised? of course!
You have stock-piled 30 chains and are asking people all over the world, should I continue?
You answered your own dumb question, while satisfying your desire to use your keyboard, and yack with whoever......very few people on this forum lack common-sense, or are interested in a "chat" about your emotions......
Go back to hoarding chains with reckless abandon.....
I use oregon chain. Used to be cheap on ebay. I just bought a oregon chain D60 for my pl4 at menards 14$. I'm no professional though. And I used to buy Chinese chain for 5$ a loop s52 for my cs 400 because I abused them and were throwaways now there more money. Never had the privilege of stihl chain only oregon and some Carlton chain.
I bought the German designed Chinese chain when it was dirt cheap. I bought chain loops and bars. Hls had 404 /.063 semi chisel 100’ for $149 on sale a few years back. You have to buy this stuff when it’s cheap. I still have chain loops from my wholesaler dealer days selling at the flea market. Gotta hustle to make $$
I bought the German designed Chinese chain when it was dirt cheap. I bought chain loops and bars. Hls had 404 /.063 semi chisel 100’ for $149 on sale a few years back. You have to buy this stuff when it’s cheap. I still have chain loops from my wholesaler dealer days selling at the flea market. Gotta hustle to make $$

I'd be all over that 404 deal. I'd love to run 404 on my ms500i, if the cost was right. I agree about buying cheap when it is available. Hence the 24" Oregon 3/8 0.050 84DL that I am hoarding. Last time I saw this was a few years ago, with Husky chains. Three reconditioned chains at $16.xx. When they showed up they were brand new. I'd have bought more, but was as I am now, questioning how prices move for saw chains. The saws are holding their price, but are as rare as tits on a boar hog.