Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Its been so warm out Here in Mass the wood boiler takes almost no wood to run, it's doing hot water only. Squirrels have been driving my big dog nuts. They come on the deck and hit the bird feeder. So I put some grease on the feeder and that helped. The deck door was squeaking so loud that the dog never had a chance to get his friend so I soaped the bottom and no more noise. With a quit door I let the dog launch after his friend and he got it. I added to my rodent killing collection with a Benjamin break action pellet gun., it Shoots at 600 fps. I could use my M1A but that could be overkill.
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It was, not like hardwood but plenty heavy for me. I started unloading it and was thinking how the heck did I get those up there! Lol. It’s a nice one, drove up there this spring and they still had some green needles. Dry enough to have cracks now but no rot.

I believe it I moved those big pine rounds last month and they were heavy enough to move and Doug fir is dense.
Its been so warm out Here in Mass the wood boiler takes almost no wood to run, it's doing hot water only. Squirrels have been driving my big dog nuts. They come on the deck and hit the bird feeder. So I put some grease on the feeder and that helped. The deck door was squeaking so loud that the dog never had a chance to get his friend so I soaped the bottom and no more noise. With a quit door I let the dog launch after his friend and he got it. I added to my rodent killing collection with a Benjamin break action pellet gun., it Shoots at 600 fps. I could use my M1A but that could be overkill.
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Last few I’ve whacked around here have been with the 10mm since that’s what’s usually on my hip.
Its been so warm out Here in Mass the wood boiler takes almost no wood to run, it's doing hot water only. Squirrels have been driving my big dog nuts. They come on the deck and hit the bird feeder. So I put some grease on the feeder and that helped. The deck door was squeaking so loud that the dog never had a chance to get his friend so I soaped the bottom and no more noise. With a quit door I let the dog launch after his friend and he got it. I added to my rodent killing collection with a Benjamin break action pellet gun., it Shoots at 600 fps. I could use my M1A but that could be overkill.
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I got my first squirrel since I put the feeders up the other day. I have a Gamo Whisper Fusion Mach 1 22 caliber breakopen pellet rifle. It packs a whopping 1020 fps.
Its been so warm out Here in Mass the wood boiler takes almost no wood to run, it's doing hot water only. Squirrels have been driving my big dog nuts. They come on the deck and hit the bird feeder. So I put some grease on the feeder and that helped. The deck door was squeaking so loud that the dog never had a chance to get his friend so I soaped the bottom and no more noise. With a quit door I let the dog launch after his friend and he got it. I added to my rodent killing collection with a Benjamin break action pellet gun., it Shoots at 600 fps. I could use my M1A but that could be overkill.
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By coincidence I cleaned up my shop and storeroom a bit today and came across my Beeman air rifle. I haven't shot it in years... with that I dragged out the pellet trap and shot one. It still works fine. That sent me on a Google search for higher end air pistols. I've told myself for years I needed one... Now that even reloaded centerfire ammo seems to require a mortgage an air gun is even more appealing. 😀
They come with a stuffer in one pair of the transfers, and it's hard to blend it once you remove it. The jug is so small, it's really hard to run a grinder in a certain point, I gave up trying to make it pretty and decided to run it. It responded really well to the increase in compression and opening up the's a mean little saw and runs way better than a 25cc saw should.
liked seeing that lil cyl ported. creative! and they run pretty good stock, too! i always say about my Echo 251T... runs like ported and tweak advance on the timing, too! will u up the timing any?....

I'm not cold anymore. 🤣

good one! a chipper-style bonfire!! :blob2:
Added a new tool to to arsenal a few days ago. Works way better then I expected for clearing snow off the wood pile. We got about a foot of snow over the last two days and this Husky 525BX made quick work of getting the pile cleared off.

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I’ve been neck deep in doing the engine rebuild in our suburban, but got some time today to finish splitting that last load of birch I got. Might be time for a bigger splitter.

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you seem to have those winter elements well under control!!! 👌
i remember those Quaker State oil can on the shelf at the gas station i worked at going to school up in WA state. slid in the puncher, then turn bottoms up and add to the fill hole on engine...

"there sir! now u are back at the FULL line on ur dipstick. was only 1 quart low....!
sorry took so long! couldn't find the filler so scrounged one from my pal across
the street at the Texaco!"

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liked seeing that lil cyl ported. creative! and they run pretty good stock, too! i always say about my Echo 251T... runs like ported and tweak advance on the timing, too! will u up the timing any?....

View attachment 1030371👍
Yeah, they're strong little saws, even in stock form...but they respond really well to mods. I'd almost say that they run well despite the factory limitations...super wide squish band stock and one side of the transfers has a stuffer inside of it. Also not the best port shaped out there IMO.

A fairly straight forward set of mods is to open up the muffler, base gasket delete, and timing advance. I basically did that to another 2511t for a local guy and he was ecstatic with the results. I technically didn't do a base gasket delete on that one...I decked the cylinder to tighten up the squish while still using the gasket.

My personal saw, I muffler modded, advanced the timing, milled a bit out of the squish band, decked the cylinder, yanked the stuffer, tried to balance out the transfers(and open them up a ton,) did a bunch of shaping to the exhaust port (and raised it.) I should really get a video of it up one of these's a mean little saw. It doesn't even sound like a 2511t anymore, it 4 strokes at stupid-high rpms and the throttle response is night/day from stock.

Actually doing the port work on them is quite hard. The cylinder is tiny, and even my small burrs barely fit into the ports. Adjusting the upper transfer timing is pretty much impossible...I can't even get my 90* grinder into the cylinder, it's so small. 🤣