With the wind down there blowing the snow, the roads get nasty as it fills in all the small holes, then the roads become a skating rink. I'll take driving in 6-8" of powder any day

Little tip for those unaware, that helps greatly in the shoulder season and when temps get above freezing or the roads are wet; as soon as you can see others tread lines(4 or 5 lines usually depending on the tire) on the road, and the snow begins to blow around on the road(kinda swirling), and there is less spray off tires, you're driving into the danger zone! Often times I say this is the most dangerous time for driving on snow/ice, because everything is great, then it switches, and the cars begin to spin out, I like to watch a rear wheel drive vehicle to know just how bad it is as they will start to skid first typically. The truck I'll be driving now has traction control and it will tell me if I break traction, so now I don't even need to pay attention as much

I remember the 76/77 storm up here, that was a big one, we were snowed in pretty bad. Good thing back then people were a bit tougher and better prepared, can't imagine that happening here these days. It's absurd, every time it snows here I think theres an advisory or a special weather statement

, whatever, it's Michigan.
The danger zone!
Picked this one because it was 3:46 long(346xp), then it said 3:45 when I got there lol.
Cmon Kenny

