New Member
I'm a 70 yr old that is in my second year of woodstove/ heating. Last year I purchased a used quadrafire ( I think its a 2100 ). Was in pretty rough shape but I have cleaned it up ,replaced fire bricks,replaced the top baffle . I now have a good working stove for minimal cost. My wife just loves the radiant heat it gives off.
Have a 10 acre wood lot that is mostly maple & I am running a single Echo CS 490 which my son bought for me. Cutting and splitting wood is good way for me to try to stay in shape at my age and I also really enjoy it.
Joined this site after reading for months & noticed that it is less judgemental than other sites I have looked at and it has been very helpful with straight forward information.
Will try to get a pic of my setup on here as soon as I figure out how
Have a 10 acre wood lot that is mostly maple & I am running a single Echo CS 490 which my son bought for me. Cutting and splitting wood is good way for me to try to stay in shape at my age and I also really enjoy it.
Joined this site after reading for months & noticed that it is less judgemental than other sites I have looked at and it has been very helpful with straight forward information.
Will try to get a pic of my setup on here as soon as I figure out how