Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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You obviously have some rimmed cartridges that I'm not familiar with, and unless my eyes are deceiving me, some are in the process of being formed.

Please share what we are looking at!
I see some 219 zipper in there, and there’s another cartridge as well in the first pic, maybe 22 savage HP?
I HOPE you're right. I just put all of the info into Carvana's website, and was honest in the description of it, this is what they came up with for an appraisal. I may actually sell it to them if their "real life" offer ends up being anywhere within 5K of that.

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I would put it out on the open market for $45k and see where that takes you.
Thats one thing I've never bothered to do on any of my autotune or mtronic saws. Figured they are smart enough to adjust themselves.
They aren't!
When you make a drastic change, you should always do a reset on an mtronic saw. When I buy one from out west, the first thing I do now is to reset them, I used to think as you do, then I changed my ways. Heck my computer can't even get spellcheck right, and now I'm supposed to trust it with tuning my saw :badpc::laughing:.
Many times you can instantly tell the difference just by running them.

After a reset.
Always wanted to run one of these, don't care what the safety police say about loosing limbs!
And to be able to buy something off Binford Blvd, how cool would that be lol.View attachment 1075642
I remember when they made one to go on your rear wheel.
I remember when they made one to go on your rear wheel.
That's the one I remembered seeing prior to this.
Now they sell the heads for putting on a PTO/hydraulic style auger, they look pretty cool, but I wouldn't want to run one without having something to stop the round/log from spinning other than the ground or your tire. They are called atomic splitters iirc, and they ain't cheap for just a chunk of steel, but if they work well...
They aren't!
When you make a drastic change, you should always do a reset on an mtronic saw. When I buy one from out west, the first thing I do now is to reset them, I used to think as you do, then I changed my ways. Heck my computer can't even get spellcheck right, and now I'm supposed to trust it with tuning my saw :badpc::laughing:.
Many times you can instantly tell the difference just by running them.

After a reset.

Idk if it's cause I cut year round or if it has something to do with being stored in temp controlled environment, but I've never noticed any power gain or loss from them, I have heard them change tune and gain rpm in long cuts. Inky sae I had running issues with was when my 562xp went pig rich and the dealer didn't have a carb in stock to replace it, and claimed it needed an updated ignition module as well. Ended up getting the 400 at that point. Couldn't wait for parts to come in, as I was on a time line for finishing a job. It hasn't missed a beat so far.
Thats one thing I've never bothered to do on any of my autotune or mtronic saws. Figured they are smart enough to adjust themselves.

About 2 or 3 years ago now, I got sick of my wife Complaining about my stashed "junk" so I cleaned out. Got rid of a lot of old garden tractor tractor parts, frames, transmissions, control linkage and cables. About a year or so ago I was working on a neighbors case Ingersoll and needed a choke cable and the ball pivot for the drive valve. I knew I had them, but I remembered I had gotten rid of all that stuff when I purged all my unused parts. So had to go and find/buy the parts I needed. Never again...
I feel your pain, my wife goes on a cleaning kick twice a year, and I lose alot of things because to her, its clutter. Due to me not caring to argue with her I wind up throwing things away that do have some use, so we certainly do try and get it recycled. I give away things that are worrth money, because I HATE selling things. My 03 Yukon XL right now for example, im about to give it away, rather than take calls from tire kickers..... My response to my wife questioning why I am keeping xxxxx? After I have thrown it away or recycled it? I buy something new at retail and dont even think about the cost. When we were first together, we didn't have any extra liquidity, so I had to live with broke, but free....
Nope. I did put 2.5 gal gas and a 2.5 gal in the can. I must have poured bar oil in the gas tank. I have never done that....since the last time. In the past I have always caught the error before trying to tun it. This time I cannot recall doing it but it is the only way too much oil could have gotten in there.

400 ran just fine today. 5 pulls cold, and 1 warm once and a couple pulls other times. I can live with that.

Fell one badly leaning tree that appeared to be sorta bracing a second big one.also with a bad lean. I was expecdting both to come down but I got so focused falling the 1st one that I didn't pay attention to the second. It was somewhat of a shock to find it on the ground about 5' from where I was sstanding.

Got the first one mostly brushed out and the top 49 ft wwere suspended in the clear. Tree had fallen on a big brush pile and was still rooted in the ground 20ft behind the pile. Fun bucking but disappointed. Wood was on good ffor about 25 ft from the top. Way leas than one load. Leaves a lot of big heavy rounds to get on the burn pile.
People don’t realize the cost of the replacement aspect . It’s like homes around here if you’re selling at a high price be prepared to pay a high price . Can’t even do the move South or west anymore the homes have gone way up there also .
1975/76 it cost us $33k to build a new 3 bedroom ranch on our 3 acre lot. Three years later it was worth $76k. Now it is a Garrison Colonial with a fully finished two story 3 car garage and valued over $500k. The upgrades were done in 92 with the 2nd floor addition and garage at under $90k. The increase in value on our property was incredible. If we moved outwards from our location we could easily replace this house for a lot less money.
learned something again about the MS400. It will NOT tolerate and error in mixing gas. I went out this morning to finish clearing away a down log and then, to celebrate Earth Day, fall a big tree. Usual problem getting the 400 started but it smoked badly on start up. 2nd start and it would idle but die at a tickle of the trhrottle. Manage to fight my way to cut up and stack the down log but then couild NOT geet it to even bark when It came time to fall the tree. Bottom line: 60 mile round trip to dealer who diagnosed "Too much oil in mix". Odd as I had just made a new 2.5 gal mix in my new gas can with the clear sight glass to tell how much gas was in the can. Worked great but I obviously I had put in a can of 2.5 gal oil, but only 2 gallong of gas. Dealer said he cleaned it out, new plug and did a "reset" - whatever that is but it is the MTronic carb.

Tree will come down tomorrow morning if the weather cooperates.
So your mix went to 40 to 1 and your Stihl sat still because of it. That doesn't sound right to me. I run 40 to 1 in all my saws without any issues. Even myc 550XP MKII with the electronics has no problem running it. Could you have double dosed it by accident?
Had a busy day today. Moved a shed, cut down 3 dead aspens and 4 ash trees. I used the 400 and the(as Chipper calls it) the Japanese power wedge. The ash trees were leaning into the woods so I did the back cut, set a wedge, cut the face cut and pulled them over. View attachment 1077262View attachment 1077268View attachment 1077269View attachment 1077270View attachment 1077271View attachment 1077272View attachment 1077273View attachment 1077274View attachment 1077275
Busy day...lots of pics!
I'm not looking forward to this Summer. I have so many dead Ash that need to come down.
Cracking Up Lol GIF

Same at my house. I make it a production to let her know when I use something that I've saved for 20 years instead of buying new.
Yup, same here and proud of it.
1975/76 it cost us $33k to build a new 3 bedroom ranch on our 3 acre lot. Three years later it was worth $76k. Now it is a Garrison Colonial with a fully finished two story 3 car garage and valued over $500k. The upgrades were done in 92 with the 2nd floor addition and garage at under $90k. The increase in value on our property was incredible. If we moved outwards from our location we could easily replace this house for a lot less money.
Mine too . But I bought later than you did .I have no mortgage but I have over 200k invested without my labor so if I got 400k for it I could buy something cheaper but there are trade offs like shopping and mass transit there I can hop on a train and be in NYC in an hour . I’m talking my house in Dutchess county . And it’s making me money right now so I’m happy

My house in ulster county I’m about 30 minutes from anything . But I like the quiet.
I imagine bar oil in the fuel would do it. That's one thing I've not done. I've done most of the other stupid things :dumb:
I did that only once. What a bitch to get the saw started after cleaning it all out. Even then it sure smoked until I filled the tank for the 2nd time around. It happened because I was in a really big hurry. Gas in the oil tank and bar oil in the fuel tank. LOL
.one for MM ~

The local bar was so sure its bartender was the strongest man around that they offered a standing $1000 bet.
The bartender would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass, and hand the lemon to a patron. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money.
Many people had tried over time, including the professional wrestlers and bodybuilders, but nobody could do it.
One day a scrawny little man came in, wearing a tie and a pair of pants hiked up past his belly button.
He said in a squeaky annoying voice, "I'd like to try the bet."
Even the hillbilly chicks burst into laughter.
After the laughter had died down, the bartender said, "Ok," grabbed a lemon, and squeezed away. He then handed the wrinkled remains of the rind to the little man.
But the crowd's laughter turned to total silence as the man clenched his fist around the lemon and six drops fell into the glass.
As the crowd cheered, the bartender paid the $1000, and asked the little man, "What do you do for a living? Are you a lumberjack, weight lifter, or what?"
The man replied, "I work for the IRS."
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Took our exchange student to Niagara Falls for the weekend. No wood, no chainsaws but we got a good look at murica across the river. You could just smell the freedom 😁. Was planning on going across but we neglected to renew my daughter's passport. Face palm!
PBS ran a docuvid on it other nite. actually 3 falls. and has quite an interesting eco system it supports, too!
