Help me with my two-saw plan

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ArboristSite Lurker
Mar 27, 2023
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I’m looking for some thoughts about a two-saw plan. I heat partially but not exclusively with wood, and I help a couple of friends with maintenance on their property (260 acres of fields and hardwoods). My primary uses are bucking trunks and limbs as well as cutting trails.

Right now, I have the smaller of my two saws: a Stihl 201C-EM with a 16" bar (this is the rear-handle version). I love the saw. It is light and handles quickly, and it’s not hard to carry from wherever we park to wherever we might be working.

I have a Stihl 291 right now, but after cutting with a smaller professional saw, I want to upgrade my larger saw, and my neighbor is interested in buying the 291 for a property his parents just bought. I’m torn on which saw that larger should be. After much reading here and elsewhere, I am thinking either a 261 or a 462. Both of those models seem to have a lot of good feedback here.

On one hand, the light weight and increased power of the 261 compared to my smaller saw lean me in that direction. It is “enough” saw. On the other hand, the 462 could handle everything that I am going to cut with a lot more power. A 25" bar on there would be just about perfect. The real downside would be the increased weight. The price difference doesn’t really come into play here, since I am a buy-once-cry-once type of guy. (I’ve thought about the 362, but it seems to have a less enthusiastic following here.)

No, I don’t “need” a professional saw, but I love saws and enjoy having top-of-the-line equipment. I'm leaning toward the 261 but don't want to regret not going for the big saw. And no, my wife will not let me have three saws, unfortunately. What do people think?
If you want it and you can afford it, buy a professional saw. Like you said "buy-once-cry-once". That 462 is a big boy, maybe you can find someone that will let you try one out for a few cuts to see if you like it. More saw than I could handle and swing for very long, but then old age is creeping up on me. The 261 C-M is a lot of saw for it's size.
Sounds like a MS400 C-M would suit your needs perfectly. Same weight as the 362 but more power. If you can find one that would be my suggestion.
I was leaning toward a carb saw for the second saw, which is why I didn’t mention that one. A friend of mine who owns a firewood business has a 400, though, so it would be easy to try it out.
I'd definitely keep the 201, I have a similar saw and love it. For the bigger saw it really depends on the size of wood you'll be cutting the most. If it's lots of 16" and up I'd lean toward 60-70cc. If closer to 12" then 50cc may be perfect. Let's face it, in a year you'll be posting here asking about a three-saw plan, so get the 50cc now and start thinking about which 70+cc you'll get later!
I’m looking for some thoughts about a two-saw plan. I heat partially but not exclusively with wood, and I help a couple of friends with maintenance on their property (260 acres of fields and hardwoods). My primary uses are bucking trunks and limbs as well as cutting trails.

Right now, I have the smaller of my two saws: a Stihl 201C-EM with a 16" bar (this is the rear-handle version). I love the saw. It is light and handles quickly, and it’s not hard to carry from wherever we park to wherever we might be working.

I have a Stihl 291 right now, but after cutting with a smaller professional saw, I want to upgrade my larger saw, and my neighbor is interested in buying the 291 for a property his parents just bought. I’m torn on which saw that larger should be. After much reading here and elsewhere, I am thinking either a 261 or a 462. Both of those models seem to have a lot of good feedback here.

On one hand, the light weight and increased power of the 261 compared to my smaller saw lean me in that direction. It is “enough” saw. On the other hand, the 462 could handle everything that I am going to cut with a lot more power. A 25" bar on there would be just about perfect. The real downside would be the increased weight. The price difference doesn’t really come into play here, since I am a buy-once-cry-once type of guy. (I’ve thought about the 362, but it seems to have a less enthusiastic following here.)

No, I don’t “need” a professional saw, but I love saws and enjoy having top-of-the-line equipment. I'm leaning toward the 261 but don't want to regret not going for the big saw. And no, my wife will not let me have three saws, unfortunately. What do people think?
462 C-M and 261 C-M. I'm 14 and bought a 261 C-M in July. The 261 C-M is an AMAZING saw. It is super powerful and can buck stuff up to 40'' if need be. Get the M-tronic saw as well as an 18'' bar for average cutting and a 20'' for the BIG STUFF. Yellow chains are also cool. I put some footage of me using mine below.

Good used 361s are still available if you want to stick with Stihl. A good one saw plan in my opinion.
I'm stating the obvious but all saws are a size/weight/power/cost compromise, there's that many in each manufacturers range each a bit more power and a bit more weight than the last. We've all poured over specs and in our heads talked ourself up and up till we're considering a 120cc saw for cutting 12" logs just in case we ever need to cut an 8 foot tree 😂!
A 262 and 462 would be a nice 2 saw plan in its own right, I wouldn't say it's an either/or choice really as there's quite a difference between the two in terms of power and weight. Your choice probably depends on what you mean by "bigger" saw. The 261 will have slightly more power but a decent chunk less weight than the 291 so isn't really a "bigger" saw. I know you didn't mention it but a 362 would be significantly more powerful than your 291 whilst weighing roughly the same so would be a "bigger" saw without actually being bigger if you get what I mean!! And just to introduce more saws you didn't actually ask about, and my personal recommendation, I'd look at an ms400. It's a significant bit of extra power than the 362 for virtually the same size and weight. And finally a 462 will offer more power and weight than all so definitely is a "bigger" saw!! Good luck with the choice!
It sounds like your "go-to" saw is the Stihl 201 with a 16" bar, and that you appreciate "the lightweight and sufficient power" for the thin 16" bar.
Keep it.
You "know" the saw, and there aren't many saws that are as light and powerful and balanced.

Then based on your own appreciatation "criteria", get a saw that is as light and powerful as you will need for your second saw needs - and no bigger...
As we get older; bigger is not better, it is just heavier, and inherently more tiresome, and therefore more dangerous to use.

If a 261 with a 20" bar will cut what you expect to encounter beyond what you would want to cut with your 201, then I expect that would be a good solution.
Otherwise, get an approprieate prof-level Stihl, as adding another brand than Stihl may make service/parts more challenging if you have to travel to multiple dealers...
I cut my own firewood for 20 years. 20 cord a year off the stump. My 2 saw setup was an 009 and 034 Super.
The 201 certantainly has the smaller saw well covered. The modern day equivalent for the larger saw is the 362. Want a little more? The 400 is putting a lot of smiles on the previous 034/035/362 owners. It will cover your needs nicely.
I was leaning toward a carb saw for the second saw, which is why I didn’t mention that one. A friend of mine who owns a firewood business has a 400, though, so it would be easy to try it out.
The 400 is a carbureted saw. It’s just an electronically adjusted carburetor.

And I agree with everyone else who has mentioned it. Get a 400. Maybe with 20” and 25” bar.
I’m looking for some thoughts about a two-saw plan. I heat partially but not exclusively with wood, and I help a couple of friends with maintenance on their property (260 acres of fields and hardwoods). My primary uses are bucking trunks and limbs as well as cutting trails.

Right now, I have the smaller of my two saws: a Stihl 201C-EM with a 16" bar (this is the rear-handle version). I love the saw. It is light and handles quickly, and it’s not hard to carry from wherever we park to wherever we might be working.

I have a Stihl 291 right now, but after cutting with a smaller professional saw, I want to upgrade my larger saw, and my neighbor is interested in buying the 291 for a property his parents just bought. I’m torn on which saw that larger should be. After much reading here and elsewhere, I am thinking either a 261 or a 462. Both of those models seem to have a lot of good feedback here.

On one hand, the light weight and increased power of the 261 compared to my smaller saw lean me in that direction. It is “enough” saw. On the other hand, the 462 could handle everything that I am going to cut with a lot more power. A 25" bar on there would be just about perfect. The real downside would be the increased weight. The price difference doesn’t really come into play here, since I am a buy-once-cry-once type of guy. (I’ve thought about the 362, but it seems to have a less enthusiastic following here.)

No, I don’t “need” a professional saw, but I love saws and enjoy having top-of-the-line equipment. I'm leaning toward the 261 but don't want to regret not going for the big saw. And no, my wife will not let me have three saws, unfortunately. What do people think?
If you try an MS50i, you will be glad you did long after the sting of its price fades away.

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