Doubling Stihl warranty not apply to pro saws?

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If I have a defective problem, which is really not hard to determine, I fix it.
Stihl pays for it . Have never been turned down by Stihl.

Other than being straight gassed, dropped, or run over, if it is under warranty I will get you going for free.

Replacing a motor in a BR600 right now.
One thing about Amy and I. We have a cadillac plan that covers everything. No decuctibles either.

You may not realize it, but every time someone posts about something unfortunate going on in their life, you respond with how you have it better, or have been through worse, or have something nicer, or work harder. We're all happy for your success, but the way you share it frequently comes across as a jerk move.
Too bad you're not closer. The short Stent I spent at the township we had so many issues with our 4 mix powered equipment we started switching to echo. Just one thing after the other. The worst was the brush cutters we got. Same issues, both from day one. No power when hot, shuddered on acceleration, hard to start when hot. Went back and forth with the dealer till the warranty ran out, then no one would run them. Ended up going to echo from there on out.
I just reread this whole post. I'm 4th generation of a licensed and insured tree company. When I retired, I let my license go. Back in the 70's we were all Homelite, then when they quit making pro saws, we switched to Echo's, then to Stihls. I don't remember ever having a saw fail, ever? I've known lots of saws of all brands that have failed, not ours, and virtually all of them were cases of straight gas. I have to add a caveat, we did have Echos and Homelites fail for ignition systems going bad, and parts NLA. Years ago I wanted to replace my Homelite Super 1050 milling saw with a new 660. I called around and one dealer had them in stock, they happened to be on sale with a 36" bar, and he said he would hook me up for cash. He gave me half off on a 25" bar, a free 6 pack of 5 gallon bottles of mix, a free gallon of bar oil and a free chain for the 25" bar, plus $300 off the sale price. I never turned in a warranty card. I've never registered any of my saws for their warranties. Dad passed in 2004 and my mom gave me all his files, lots of cards never turned in. Were we just really lucky, took really good care of our saws, both?

I think I posted this within the last 6 months or so. I was in my dealers and my mechanic buddy called me back in the shop. He had a pro saw on the bench, I think it was an MS 362. He asked if I had ever seen anything like it? The clutch bell was purple from heat, the plastic case where the crank comes through was melted, and he had 2 of them in two weeks. I asked to see the bar and chain. The bar was purple from being over heated too. I said I had two guesses. One, some idiot tightened the chain so tight it wouldn't turn, then just laid into the throttle till they got the chain moving and burnt every thing up. The other was they left the chain brake on and did the same thing. Next time I saw him he said one guy said he always tightened his chains real tight so they could stretch in, the other said "What Brake". They did not cover either of them.
You may not realize it, but every time someone posts about something unfortunate going on in their life, you respond with how you have it better, or have been through worse, or have something nicer, or work harder. We're all happy for your success, but the way you share it frequently comes across as a jerk move.
At 73, I don't mince words or candy coat anything. We are extremely lucky to have the health care we have and it ain't cheap either. I have had way more 'unfortunate' life events that most people have had or want and our heathcare has saved us from bankruptcy. My last go around cost over a million bucks and it's not going away either. If it wasn't for our heathcare coverage, we'd be living in a cardboard box.

People tend to look at heath insurance as 'I'll buy the least expensive coverage' All well and good until something drastic happens and then you get to hold the bag for your indescretions. Any time you want to pay our premium you can. It's basically a grand every month but it's totally worth it especially when dealing with a million buck hospital bill.
See, a penis measuring contest.

We pay $1500/mo, which covered my girlfriend taking two trips through a neurosurgery ward, to the tune of a couple million bucks. Over $100k in radiation treatments just this past year. We know something about spendy insurance saving our bacon, too.

I do need to keep that in mind when they won't pay for my medication, that they're out a couple million bucks on our insurance account already.
So how do you go about that? Special dealer relationship? 🤔
just walk out with more than one saw like me😁🤣. neither of the dealers I use, make me buy the six pack. and I get the 2 yr warranty. I have never had to claim a warranty on any of my Stihl saws yet. So maybe that's why?
Don't worry about the oil not being on the original receipt.. explain to the manager that you tried to get the extended warranty and were denied by the salesperson who didn't know better... ask them to delete the registration, buy the oil or gallon of MotoMix and have them re-register the saw with the extended warranty... we've done it before, once or twice, when a new salesperson doesn't offer them the warranty and they call us back and ask about it.
Stihl wants the purchase at the point of sale, but if you didn't get offered or were denied, then you can buy it a day or two later.. Stihl just wants you to use their Ultra oil or their MotoMix.
Good Luck
This is going to stir thing up, sorry in advance. But if your spending x$$$ on a 500i and stihl will extend the guarantee if you buy/use ultra oil or moto mix.... why are there so many bad reviews on stihl ultra? Some people go all out to trash this oil when obviously stihl has done the research or they wouldnt recommend it. Even though it's not FD rated. Just wondering, sorry guys
This is going to stir thing up, sorry in advance. But if your spending x$$$ on a 500i and stihl will extend the guarantee if you buy/use ultra oil or moto mix.... why are there so many bad reviews on stihl ultra? Some people go all out to trash this oil when obviously stihl has done the research or they wouldnt recommend it. Even though it's not FD rated. Just wondering, sorry guys
It is noted (and blasted by youtubers) to leave more carbon deposits on the piston and combustion chamber, especially when ran part throttle. Personally I just think the fumes simply stink like cat piss so I use red armor.
It is noted (and blasted by youtubers) to leave more carbon deposits on the piston and combustion chamber, especially when ran part throttle. Personally I just think the fumes simply stink like cat piss so I use red armor.
Not to mention that it is overpriced for what you get.
I agree that it smells terrible as well.
This is going to stir thing up, sorry in advance. But if your spending x$$$ on a 500i and stihl will extend the guarantee if you buy/use ultra oil or moto mix.... why are there so many bad reviews on stihl ultra? Some people go all out to trash this oil when obviously stihl has done the research or they wouldnt recommend it. Even though it's not FD rated. Just wondering, sorry guys
The "buy a pack of oil and double your warranty" schtick isn't a warranty upsell trick, it's a sell more oil trick. Stihl knows that basically all the non commercial users will get through the extended warranty period without a claim, even if they use TCW3 boat oil. Stihl takes on almost no additional risk or burden by doubling the warranty for non commercial users, but they do sell plenty of oil that they wouldn't otherwise sell. Once you've bought the oil, Stihl doesn't care if you use it to start your burn pile, or run it in your saw.
I only use Saber now. Our best Stihl mechanic in the area said to buy the Ultra for the warranty then recycle it. He based this on his own observations but as we all know, there are infinite variables at play when it comes to fuel/lube mixes.

But my number 1 peeve is that the two top handle saws I bought in the last few months have Zero, Zilch, Nada for a warranty. This is just plain wrong.
i bought the 500i on Sept 25 2023.I put 3 tanks of gas through it and i few days ago i picked it up to get ready for my next job and i realized it was leaking gas out by the off switch and the primer bulb brand new saw now has to be taken in and fixed before warranty runs out and i only do homeowner stuff wuth it and i was only offered 90 day warranty and i asked if i bought the 6 pack if i get extra that brought out a a piece of paper saying only homeowner saws has 2 year with purches of 6 pack and pro saws have 90 day.Im not a happy camper at the moment i got 3 huskys one from 77' 95' and 97' and they dont leak gas like my new 500i is.$2200 is a lot of money for a saw.

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